45 CFR § 235.63 - Conditions for FFP.
(a) Who may be trained. FFP is available only for training provided personnel employed in all classes of positions, volunteers, and persons preparing for employment by the State or local agency administering the program.
(b) When FFP is available. FFP is available for personnel employed and persons preparing for employment by the State or local agency provided the following conditions are met, and with the following limitations:
(1) Employees in full-time, long-term training make a commitment to work in the agency for a period of time equal to the period for which financial assistance is granted. A State agency may exempt an employee from fulfilling this commitment only if failure to continue in employment is due to death, disability, employment in a financial assistance program in a public assistance agency in another State, or other emergent circumstances determined by the single State agency head to be valid for exemption;
(2) An employee retains his or her rights and benefits in the agency while on full-time, long-term training leave;
(3) Persons preparing for employment are selected by the State agency and accepted by the school;
(4) Persons preparing for employment are pursuing educational programs approved by the State agency;
(5) Persons preparing for employment are committed to work for State or local agency for a period of time at least equal to the period for which financial assistance is granted if employment is offered within 2 months after training is completed;
(6) The State or local agency offers the individual preparing for employment a job upon completion of training unless precluded by merit system requirements, legislative budget cuts, position freezes, or other circumstances beyond the agency's control; and if unable to offer employment, releases the individual from his or her commitment;
(7) The State agency keeps a record of the employment of persons trained. If the persons are not employed by the State or local agency, the record specifies the reason for non-employment;
(8) The State agency evaluates the training programs; and
(9) Any recoupment of funds by the State from trainees failing to fulfill their commitment under this section shall be treated as a refund and deducted from total training costs for the purpose of determining net costs for FFP.
(c) Grants to educational institutions. FFP is available in payments for services rendered under grants to educational institutions provided all of the following conditions are met:
(1) Grants are made for the purpose of developing, expanding, or improving training for personnel employed by the State or local agency or preparing for employment by the State or local agency administering the program. Grants are made for an educational program (curriculum development, classroom instruction, field instruction, or any combination of these) that is directly related to the agency's program. Grants are made for not more than 3 years, but may be renewed, subject to the conditions of this section;
(2) Grants are made to educational institutions and programs that are accredited by the appropriate institutional accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Commissioner of Education. When a specialized program within the institution for which there is a specialized accrediting body is used, that program must be accredited by or have pre-accreditation status from that body. (Part 149 of this title explains the requirements and procedures for obtaining recognition as an accrediting agency or association. Lists of currently recognized accrediting bodies are published in the Federal Register periodically. See also Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations published by the Office of Education);
(3) The State agency has written policies establishing conditions and procedures for such grants;
(4) Each grant describes objectives in terms of how the educational program is related to the financial assistance programs and how it is designed to meet the State or local agency's manpower needs; and
(5) An evaluation of the educational program funded by each grant is made no later than the close of the second year of the grant. The evaluation shall be conducted by representatives from the educational institution and the State agency to determine whether conditions and objectives described in the grant are being met. If the educational program does not meet these conditions and objectives, payment shall be terminated no later than the close of the second year of the grant.