46 CFR § 535.602 - Federal Register notice.
§ 535.602 Federal Register notice.
(a) A notice of any filed agreement will be transmitted to the Federal Register within seven days of the date of filing.
(b) The notice will include:
(1) A short title for the agreement;
(2) The identity of the parties to the agreement and the filing party;
(3) The Federal Maritime Commission agreement number;
(4) A concise summary of the agreement's contents;
(5) A statement that the agreement is available for inspection at the Commission's offices; and
(6) A request for comments, including relevant information and documents, regarding the agreement and the date by which comments should be submitted in order to be most useful to the Commission's review of the agreement.
[69 FR 64414, Nov. 4, 2004, as amended at 85 FR 9684, Feb. 20, 2020]