47 CFR Subpart K - Subpart K—Technical Standards
- § 76.601 Performance tests.
- § 76.602 Incorporation by reference.
- § 76.605 Technical standards.
- § 76.606 Closed captioning.
- § 76.607 Transmission of commercial advertisements.
- § 76.609 Measurements.
- § 76.610 Operation in the frequency bands 108-137 MHz and 225-400 MHz—scope of application.
- § 76.611 Cable television basic signal leakage performance criteria.
- § 76.612 Cable television frequency separation standards.
- § 76.613 Interference from a multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD).
- § 76.614 Cable television system regular monitoring.
- § 76.616 Operation near certain aeronautical and marine emergency radio frequencies.
- § 76.617 Responsibility for interference.
- §§ 76.618-76.620 [Reserved]
- § 76.630 Compatibility with consumer electronics equipment.
- § 76.640 Support for unidirectional digital cable products on digital cable systems.