48 CFR Subpart 9.1 - Subpart 9.1—Responsible Prospective Contractors
- 9.100 Scope of subpart.
- 9.101 Definitions.
- 9.102 Applicability.
- 9.103 Policy.
- 9.104 Standards.
- 9.104-1 General standards.
- 9.104-2 Special standards.
- 9.104-3 Application of standards.
- 9.104-4 Subcontractor responsibility.
- 9.104-5 Representation and certifications regarding responsibility matters.
- 9.104-6 Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System.
- 9.104-7 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
- 9.105 Procedures.
- 9.105-1 Obtaining information.
- 9.105-2 Determinations and documentation.
- 9.105-3 Disclosure of preaward information.
- 9.106 Preaward surveys.
- 9.106-1 Conditions for preaward surveys.
- 9.106-2 Requests for preaward surveys.
- 9.106-3 Interagency preaward surveys.
- 9.106-4 Reports.
- 9.107 Surveys of nonprofit agencies participating in the AbilityOne Program.
- 9.108 Prohibition on contracting with inverted domestic corporations.
- 9.108-1 Definitions.
- 9.108-2 Prohibition.
- 9.108-3 Representation by the offeror.
- 9.108-4 Waiver.
- 9.108-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
- 9.109 Prohibition on contracting with an entity involved in activities that violate arms control treaties or agreements with the United States.
- 9.109-1 Authority.
- 9.109-2 Prohibition.
- 9.109-3 Exception.
- 9.109-4 Certification by the offeror.
- 9.109-5 Solicitation provision.
- 9.110 Reserve Officer Training Corps and military recruiting on campus.
- 9.110-1 Definitions.
- 9.110-2 Authority.
- 9.110-3 Policy.
- 9.110-4 Procedures.
- 9.110-5 Contract clause.