49 CFR § 172.546 - FLAMMABLE SOLID placard.
§ 172.546 FLAMMABLE SOLID placard.
(a) Except for size and color, the FLAMMABLE SOLID placard must be as follows:
(b) In addition to complying with § 172.519, the background on the FLAMMABLE SOLID placard must be white with seven vertical red stripes. The stripes must be equally spaced, with one red stripe placed in the center of the label. Each red stripe and each white space between two red stripes must be 25 mm (1.0 inches) wide. The letters in the word “SOLID” must be at least 38.1 mm (1.5 inches) high. The symbol, text, class number and inner border must be black.
[Amdt. 172-123, 56 FR 66263, Dec. 20, 1991]