5 CFR § 841.802 - Definitions.
§ 841.802 Definitions.
As used in this subpart—
Annuitant means a person receiving or who is entitled and has made application to receive retirement or survivor benefits under subchapter II, IV, or V of chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code.
Annuity means the gross monthly annuity rate payable before any authorized deductions (such as those for health benefits and life insurance premiums).
Qualifying court order means a court order acceptable for processing as defined in § 838.103 of this chapter or a qualifying court order as defined in § 838.1003 of this chapter.
Waiver means an annuitant's written request to forfeit a specified amount of annuity as described in this subpart.
[52 FR 2058, Jan. 16, 1987, as amended at 57 FR 33598, July 29, 1992]