50 CFR § 17.12 - Endangered and threatened plants.
(a) The list in paragraph (h) of this section contains the plant species determined by the Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) of the Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (hereafter in this section referred to as “the Services”) to be endangered species or threatened species. It also contains the plant species treated as endangered or threatened because they are similar in appearance to and may be confused with endangered or threatened species (see §§ 17.50 through 17.52). The “Common name,” “Scientific name,” “Where listed,” and “Status” columns provide regulatory information; together, they identify listed plant species within the meaning of the Act and describe where they are protected. When a taxon has more than one entry, the “Where listed” or “Status” column will identify its status in each relevant geographic area. The listing of a particular taxon includes all lower taxonomic units.
(b) “Scientific name” column. The Services use the most recently accepted scientific name. In cases where confusion might arise, one or more synonyms are provided in parentheses within the “Scientific name” column. The Services will rely to the extent practicable on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) to determine a species' scientific name. ITIS incorporates the naming principles established by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (see paragraph (g) of this section). If the scientific name in ITIS differs from the scientific name adopted for use under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the CITES nomenclature will be provided in brackets “[ ]” within the “Scientific name” column following the ITIS nomenclature.
(c) “Common name” column. Although common names are included, they cannot be relied upon for identification of any specimen, since they may vary greatly in local usage. In cases where confusion might arise, one or more synonyms are provided in parentheses within the “Common name” column.
(d) “Where listed” column. The “Where listed” column sets forth the geographic area where the species is listed for purposes of the Act. Except when providing a geographic description of an experimental population designation, “Wherever found” will be used to indicate the Act's protections apply to all individuals of the species, wherever found.
(e) “Status” column. Within the “Status” column, the following abbreviations are used:
Abbreviation | Regulatory status the abbreviation represents |
E | Endangered species. |
T | Threatened species. |
E (S/A) | Endangered based on similarity of appearance to an existing listed species. |
T (S/A) | Threatened based on similarity of appearance to an existing listed species. |
XE | Essential experimental population (See subpart H of this part). |
XN | Nonessential experimental population (See subpart H of this part). |
(f) “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column. The “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column is nonregulatory in nature and is provided for informational and navigational purposes only. Please note that the sections of part 17 that include designations of critical habitat for plants are organized by family name. A link to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), which displays the taxonomic hierarchy of a species, including its family name, is provided on each species' profile page accessible through the Service's Web site (http://www.fws.gov/endangered/) or information is available directly through the ITIS (http://www.itis.gov/).
(1) Within the “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column, the following superscripts are used:
Superscript | Description of citation or rule |
N | NMFS listing citation (NMFS Lead). |
J | Both FWS and NMFS listing citation (Joint Jurisdiction). |
CH | Critical habitat rule. |
4d | Species-specific “4(d)” rule (a rule issued under the authority of section 4(d) of the Act). |
10j | Species-specific “10(j)” rule (a rule issued under the authority of section 10(j) of the Act). |
(2) Listing citations contain the volume, document starting page number, and publication date of the Federal Register publication(s) in which a species' status was assessed. At least since 1973, these documents have included a statement indicating the basis for the listing or reclassification, as well as the effective date(s) of the listing or other rules that changed how the species was identified in the list in paragraph (h) of this section.
(3) “Critical habitat” and “Species-specific” rules superscripts provide cross-references to other sections in part 17 or part 222, 223, or 226 of chapter II of this title where critical habitat and species-specific rules are found. The species-specific superscripts also identify experimental populations. Experimental populations (superscript “10j”) are a separate citation, with one of the following symbols in the “Status” column: “XE” for an essential experimental population and “XN” for a nonessential experimental population.
(4) This column is for reference and navigational purposes only. All other appropriate rules in part 17, parts 217 through 226 of chapter II of this title, and part 402 of chapter IV of this title apply, if no species-specific rules are referenced. In addition, other rules in this title could relate to such species (for example, port-of-entry requirements). The references in the “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column do not comprise a comprehensive list of all regulations that the Services might apply to the species or to the regulations of other Federal agencies or State or local governments.
(g) The Services will rely to the extent practicable on ITIS (http://www.itis.gov) and standard references adopted for CITES (http://cites.org).
(h) The “List of Endangered and Threatened Plants” is provided in the table in this paragraph (h):
Scientific name | Common name | Where listed | Status | Listing citations and applicable rules | ||||
Large-fruited sand-verbena | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 37975, 9/28/1988. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. | ||||
Kooloaula | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34412, 9/26/1986. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Liliwai | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
San Diego thornmint | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
San Mateo thornmint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 37858, 9/18/1985. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Round-leaved chaff-flower | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 10518, 3/26/1986;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Northern wild monkshood | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. | ||||
Sensitive joint-vetch | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 21569, 5/20/1992. | ||||
Sandplain gerardia | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 34701, 9/7/1988. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 53303, 9/9/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Mahoe | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c) ; CH 50 CFR 17.99(e) ); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Munz's onion | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Sonoma alopecurus | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 43178, 8/21/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(g). CH |
Seabeach amaranth | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 18035, 4/7/1993. | ||||
South Texas ambrosia | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43648, 8/24/1994. | ||||
San Diego ambrosia | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 44372, 7/2/2002;
50 CFR 17.96. CH |
Crenulate lead-plant | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. | ||||
Little amphianthus | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 3560, 2/5/1988. | ||||
Large-flowered fiddleneck | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 19374, 5/8/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Kearney's blue-star | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 2131, 1/19/1989. | ||||
Price's potato-bean | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 429, 1/5/1990. | ||||
Georgia rockcress | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 54627, 9/12/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hoffmann's rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
McDonald's rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. | ||||
Braun's Rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 56, 1/3/1995;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Dwarf bear-poppy | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64250, 11/6/1979. | ||||
Santa Rosa Island manzanita | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Franciscan manzanita | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 54434, 9/5/2012;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Del Mar manzanita | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. | ||||
Presidio manzanita | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61910, 10/26/1979. | ||||
Morro manzanita | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. | ||||
Ione manzanita | Wherever found | T | 64 FR 28403, 5/26/1999. | ||||
Pallid manzanita | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 19842, 4/22/1998. | ||||
Marsh sandwort | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41378, 8/3/1993. | ||||
Bear Valley sandwort | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Sacramento prickly-poppy | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 35302, 8/24/1989. | ||||
Mauna Loa silversword | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 18029, 4/7/1993;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Ahinahina | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). |
Ahinahina | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 9814, 3/21/1986. | ||||
Blodgett's silverbush | Wherever found | T | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25755, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Pelos del diablo | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 32255, 8/8/1990. | ||||
Mead's milkweed | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 33992, 9/1/1988. | ||||
Prostrate milkweed | Wherever found | E | 88 FR 12572, February 28, 2023; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Welsh's milkweed | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 41435, 10/28/1987;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Four-petal pawpaw | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34415, 9/26/1986. | ||||
Painiu | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cushenbury milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Shivwits milkvetch | Wherever found | E | 66 FR 49560, 9/28/2001;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Applegate's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 40547, 7/28/1993. | ||||
Guthrie's (=Pyne's) ground-plum | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 48748, 9/26/1991. | ||||
Braunton's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Clara Hunt's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Sentry milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 50184, 12/5/1990. | ||||
Holmgren milkvetch | Wherever found | E | 66 FR 49560, 9/28/2001;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Mancos milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 26568, 6/27/1985. | ||||
Lane Mountain milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Coachella Valley milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Fish Slough milk-vetch | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Peirson's milk-vetch | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Heliotrope milkvetch | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 42652, 11/6/1987;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Kremmling Osterhout milkvetch | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 29658, 7/13/1989. | ||||
Ash Meadows milk-vetch | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ventura Marsh milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 66 FR 27901, 5/21/2001;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
var. |
Jesup's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 21481, 6/5/1987. | ||||
Coastal dunes milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. | ||||
Triple-ribbed milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998. | ||||
Star cactus | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 53804, 10/18/1993. | ||||
San Jacinto Valley crownscale | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9935, 3/2/1994. | ||||
Tamaulipan Kidneypetal | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43648, 8/24/1994. | ||||
Encinitas baccharis | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. | ||||
Palo de Ramón | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 1459, 1/14/1987. | ||||
Hairy rattleweed | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. | ||||
Nevin's barberry | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54956, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Island barberry | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Virginia round-leaf birch | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978;
59 FR 59173, 11/16/1994. |
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64637, 10/29/2013. | ||||
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Sonoma sunshine | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 61173, 12/2/1991. | ||||
Shale barren rock cress | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 29655, 7/13/1989. | ||||
Decurrent false aster | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 45858, 11/14/1988. | ||||
Florida bonamia | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 42068, 11/2/1987. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Florida Brickell-bush | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 52567, 9/4/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Olulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(a)(2). CH |
Pua ala | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Thread-leaved brodiaea | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Chinese Camp brodiaea | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49022, 9/14/1998. | ||||
Siboyas halumtanu, Siboyan halom tano | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Vahl's boxwood | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 32572, 8/13/1985. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Capá rosa | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. | ||||
Texas poppy-mallow | Wherever found | E | 46 FR 3184, 1/13/1981;
46 FR 40025, 8/6/1981. |
Tiburon mariposa lily | Wherever found | T | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 8138, 2/18/1994. | ||||
Mariposa pussypaws | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49022, 9/14/1998. | ||||
Palma de manaca | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 4157, 2/6/1990. | ||||
Stebbins' morning-glory | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. | ||||
Brooksville bellflower | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. | ||||
Awikiwiki | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Awikiwiki | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Awikiwiki | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Maui reedgrass | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Small-anthered bittercress | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 38947, 9/21/1989. | ||||
White sedge | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Golden sedge | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 3120, 1/23/2002;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Navajo sedge | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 19370, 5/8/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Tiburon paintbrush | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Fleshy owl's-clover | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ash-gray Indian paintbrush | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Soft-leaved paintbrush | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 13116, 3/17/1999;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
California jewelflower | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. | ||||
Coyote ceanothus | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Vail Lake ceanothus | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54956, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Pine Hill ceanothus | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. | ||||
Kamanomano | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Spring-loving centaury | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Catalina Island mountain-mahogany | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 42692, 8/8/1997. | ||||
Fragrant prickly-apple | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45618, 11/1/1985. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 12788, 4/5/1990. | ||||
Big Pine partridge pea | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. | ||||
Deltoid spurge | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. | ||||
Pineland sandmat | Wherever found | T | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. | ||||
Wedge spurge | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. | ||||
Garber's spurge | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. | ||||
Hoover's spurge | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Papala | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Pygmy fringe-tree | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Purple amole (Camatta Canyon amole) | Wherever found | T | 65 FR 14878, 3/20/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Howell's spineflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. | ||||
Orcutt's spineflower | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. | ||||
Ben Lomond spineflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994. | ||||
Monterey spineflower | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Scotts Valley spineflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Robust spineflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(b). CH |
Sonoma spineflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. | ||||
Cape Sable thoroughwort | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 63795, 10/24/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a); CH 50 CFR 17.96(h). CH |
Fountain thistle | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Chorro Creek bog thistle | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. | ||||
Suisun thistle | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 61916, 11/20/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
La Graciosa thistle | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Pitcher's thistle | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 27137, 7/18/1988. | ||||
Sacramento Mountains thistle | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 22933, 6/16/1987. | ||||
Wright's marsh thistle | Wherever found | T | 88 FR 25208, 4/25/2023; 50 CFR 17.73(c); 4d 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Presidio clarkia | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Vine Hill clarkia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Pismo clarkia | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. | ||||
Springville clarkia | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49022, 9/14/1998. | ||||
Morefield's leather-flower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 21562, 5/20/1992. | ||||
Alabama leather-flower | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34420, 9/26/1986. | ||||
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Pigeon wings | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Kauila | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Short-leaved rosemary | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. | ||||
Etonia rosemary | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. | ||||
Apalachicola rosemary | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. | ||||
Cumberland rosemary | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 60937, 11/29/1991. | ||||
Cactus, Florida semaphore | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 63795, 10/24/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 1645, 1/10/1997. | ||||
Salt marsh bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. | ||||
Soft bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 61916, 11/20/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Palmate-bracted bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 23765, 7/1/1986. | ||||
Pennell's bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Palo de nigua | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 11610, 4/7/1988. | ||||
Bunched cory cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64247, 11/6/1979. | ||||
Cochise pincushion cactus | Wherever found | T | 51 FR 952, 1/9/1986. | ||||
Pima pineapple cactus | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 49875, 9/23/1993. | ||||
Lee pincushion cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61554, 10/25/1979. | ||||
Sneed pincushion cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64741, 11/7/1979. | ||||
None | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 60933, 11/29/1991. | ||||
Higuero de Sierra | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 46085, 12/4/1987. | ||||
Avon Park harebells | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Terlingua Creek cats-eye | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49634, 9/30/1991. | ||||
Okeechobee gourd | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53130, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 32932, 6/27/1994;
78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha nui | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013. | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha, akuaku | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012. | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Popolo | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 46235, 9/11/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Aku | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Jones cycladenia | Wherever found | T | 51 FR 16526, 5/5/1986. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(g); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Puukaa | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994. | ||||
Mapele | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Florida prairie-clover | Wherever found | E | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. | ||||
Leafy prairie-clover | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 19953, 5/1/1991. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 23740, 6/23/1988. | ||||
Beautiful pawpaw | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34415, 9/26/1986. | ||||
Rugel's pawpaw | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34415, 9/26/1986. | ||||
Otay tarplant | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Gaviota tarplant | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Oha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53124, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Baker's larkspur | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 4156, 1/26/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Yellow larkspur | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 4156, 1/26/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Garrett's mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985;
54 FR 38946, 9/21/1989. |
Longspurred mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985. | ||||
Scrub mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985;
54 FR 38946, 9/21/1989. |
Lakela's mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 20212, 5/15/1985. | ||||
Florida crabgrass | Wherever found | T | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. | ||||
Vandenberg monkeyflower | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 50844, 8/26/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Slender-horned spineflower | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 36265, 9/28/1987. | ||||
Hala pepe | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32014, 5/28/2013. | ||||
Hala pepe | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Hala pepe | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Koholapehu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Conejo dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. | ||||
Marcescent dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. | ||||
Santa Monica Mountains dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. | ||||
Santa Clara Valley dudleya | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Laguna Beach liveforever | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998. | ||||
Santa Barbara Island liveforever | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. | ||||
Verity's dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. | ||||
Smooth coneflower | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 46340, 10/8/1992; 87 FR 40100, 7/6/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(f). 4d | ||||
Smooth coneflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46340, 10/8/1992. | ||||
Nichol's Turk's head cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61927, 10/26/1979. | ||||
Arizona hedgehog cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61556, 10/25/1979. | ||||
Chisos hedgehog cactus | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 38453, 9/30/1988. | ||||
Kuenzler hedgehog cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61924, 10/26/1979; 83 FR 21928, 5/11/2018. | ||||
Black lace cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61918, 10/26/1979. | ||||
Davis's green pitaya | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64738, 11/7/1979. | ||||
Acuña cactus | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 60607, 10/1/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ash Meadows sunray | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Fosberg's love grass | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kern mallow | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. | ||||
Santa Ana River woolly-star | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 36265, 9/28/1987. | ||||
Willamette daisy | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 3875, 1/25/2000;
50 CFR 17.96. CH |
Parish's daisy | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Zuni fleabane | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 16680, 4/26/1985. | ||||
Indian Knob mountain balm | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. | ||||
Lompoc yerba santa | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ione (incl. Irish Hill) buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 28403, 5/26/1999. | ||||
Umtanum desert buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 78 FR 23983, 4/23/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Gypsum wild-buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 46 FR 5730, 1/19/1981;
46 FR 40025, 8/6/1981; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Southern mountain wild-buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Scrub buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Cushenbury buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Steamboat buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 24669, 7/8/1986. | ||||
Clay-loving wild buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 28562, 7/13/1984;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Tiehm's buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 87 FR 77368, 12/16/2022;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
San Mateo woolly sunflower | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
San Diego button-celery | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41384, 8/3/1993. | ||||
Loch Lomond coyote-thistle | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 31187, 8/1/1985;
51 FR 45904, 12/23/1986. |
Snakeroot | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Arizona eryngo | Wherever found | E | 87 FR 35431, June 10, 2022; 50 CFR 17.96(a).CH | ||||
Contra Costa wallflower | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Menzies' wallflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. | ||||
Ben Lomond wallflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994. | ||||
Minnesota dwarf trout lily | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 10521, 3/26/1986. | ||||
Nellie's cory cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64738, 11/7/1979. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Uvillo | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 60565, 11/25/1994. | ||||
Nioi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 46715, 9/9/1994;
87 FR 73994, 12/2/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(e). 4d |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Akoko | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 36846, 8/24/1982; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Telephus spurge | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 19813, 5/8/1992. | ||||
Mosquito Range mustard | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 40539, 7/28/1993. | ||||
Heau | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Heau | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Guadalupe fescue | Wherever found | E | 82 FR 42245, 9/7/2017. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Mehamehame | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Pine Hill flannelbush | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. | ||||
Mexican flannelbush | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54956, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Gentner's fritillary | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 69195, 12/10/1999. | ||||
Small's milkpea | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. | ||||
El Dorado bedstraw | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. | ||||
Nanu | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 33728, 8/21/1985. | ||||
Nanu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Nanu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 22930, 6/16/1987. | ||||
Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20589, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 60 FR 12483, 3/7/1995. | ||||
Spreading avens | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 12793, 4/5/1990. | ||||
Monterey gilia | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. | ||||
Hoffmann's slender-flowered gilia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Beautiful goetzea or matabuey | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 15564, 4/19/1985. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 53303, 9/9/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 44753, 11/19/1984;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2); CH 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 32932, 6/27/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Bartram's stonecrop | Wherever found | T | 86 FR 48545, 8/31/2021; 50 CFR 17.73(a). 4d | ||||
Ash Meadows gumplant | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Showy stickseed | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 5515, 2/6/2002. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62468, 10/30/1979. | ||||
Harper's beauty | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 56862, 10/2/1979. | ||||
Prickly-apple, aboriginal | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 63795, 10/24/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Higo chumbo | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 32252, 8/8/1990. | ||||
Todsen's pennyroyal | Wherever found | E | 46 FR 5730, 1/19/1981;
46 FR 40025, 8/6/1981; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Pau dedu, Pao doodu | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Roan Mountain bluet | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 12793, 4/5/1990. | ||||
Virginia sneezeweed | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 59239, 11/3/1998. | ||||
Island rush-rose | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Pecos (=puzzle, =paradox) sunflower | Wherever found | T | 64 FR 56583, 10/20/1999;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Schweinitz's sunflower | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 21087, 5/7/1991. | ||||
Whorled sunflower | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 44712, 8/1/2014. | ||||
Swamp pink | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 35076, 9/9/1988. | ||||
Ufa halumtanu, Ufa halom tano | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Marin dwarf-flax | Wherever found | T | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Dwarf-flowered heartleaf | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 14964, 4/14/1989. | ||||
Kauai hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 15903; 4/29/1986. | ||||
Hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kokio keokeo | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Mao hau hele | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5633, 11/11/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Clay's hibiscus | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Neches River rose-mallow | Wherever found | T | 78 FR 56025, 9/11/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Kokio keokeo | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Slender rush-pea | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985. | ||||
Santa Cruz tarplant | Wherever found | T | 65 FR 14898, 3/20/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Mountain golden heather | Wherever found | T | 45 FR 69360, 10/20/1980;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lakeside daisy | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 23742, 6/23/1988. | ||||
Texas prairie dawn-flower | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 8681, 3/13/1986. | ||||
Highlands scrub hypericum | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Cook's holly | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 22936, 6/16/1986. | ||||
None | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. | ||||
Peter's Mountain mallow | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 17343, 5/12/1986. | ||||
Pagosa skyrocket | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 45053, 7/27/2011;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Holy Ghost ipomopsis | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 13836, 3/23/1994. | ||||
Dwarf lake iris | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 37972, 9/28/1988. | ||||
Hilo ischaemum | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Aupaka | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 1454, 1/14/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Aupaka | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Aupaka | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Wahine noho kula | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Small whorled pogonia | Wherever found | T | 47 FR 39827, 9/9/1982;
59 FR 50852, 10/6/1994. |
Ash Meadows ivesia | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Webber's ivesia | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 31878, 6/3/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Beach jacquemontia | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 62046, 11/24/1993. | ||||
Costa Rican jatropha | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 30199, 7/27/1984. | ||||
Ohe | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Nogal or West Indian walnut | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 1691, 1/13/1997. | ||||
Cooley's water-willow | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. | ||||
Awiwi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Kopa | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999. | ||||
Kioele | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kamapuaa | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Pilo | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49639, 9/30/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Ka palupalu o Kanaloa, Kohe malama malama o Kanaloa | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2). |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kokio | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62470, 10/30/1979; 50 CFR 17.99(c). |
Kokio | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 47397, 12/4/1984; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Kokio | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Hulumoa | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Burke's goldfields | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 61173, 12/2/1991. | ||||
Contra Costa goldfields | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Beach layia | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992; 87 FR 18722, 3/31/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(b). 4d | ||||
fleshy-fruit gladecress | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 44712, 8/1/2014. | ||||
Kentucky glade cress | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 25683, 5/6/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Texas golden gladecress | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 56025, 9/11/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
San Joaquin wooly-threads | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. | ||||
Anaunau | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Barneby ridge-cress | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 39860, 9/28/1990. | ||||
Slickspot peppergrass | Wherever found | T | 74 FR 52014, 10/8/2009; 81 FR 55058, 8/17/2016; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Anaunau | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 11550, 2/26/1993. | ||||
Prairie bush-clover | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 781, 1/9/1987. | ||||
Dudley Bluffs bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 4152, 2/6/1990. | ||||
San Bernardino Mountains bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lyrate bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 39864, 9/28/1990. | ||||
Spring Creek bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 67493, 12/23/1996. | ||||
Kodachrome bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 52027, 10/6/1993. | ||||
San Francisco lessingia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33368, 6/19/1997. | ||||
Heller's blazingstar | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 44397, 11/19/1987. | ||||
Scrub blazingstar | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. | ||||
Huachuca water-umbel | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 665, 1/6/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Western lily | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 42171, 8/17/1994. | ||||
Pitkin Marsh lily | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Butte County meadowfoam | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 24192, 6/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Large-flowered woolly meadowfoam | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 68004, 11/7/2002; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Sebastopol meadowfoam | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 61173, 12/2/1991. | ||||
Pondberry | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 27495, 7/31/1986. | ||||
Sand flax | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. | ||||
Carter's small-flowered flax | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 52567, 9/4/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Nehe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Nehe | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Nehe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62468, 10/30/1979. | ||||
Nehe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
San Clemente Island woodland-star | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 42692, 8/8/1997. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cook's lomatium (Cook's desert parsley) | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 68004, 11/7/2002;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Scrub lupine | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 11172, 4/7/1987. | ||||
Lassics lupine | Wherever found | E | 88 FR 69074, 10/5/2023; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Nipomo Mesa lupine | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000. | ||||
Kincaid's lupine | Wherever found | T | 65 FR 3875, 1/25/2000; 50 CFR 17.96. CH | ||||
Clover lupine | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25755, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Rough-leaved loosestrife | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 22585, 6/12/1987. | ||||
Lehua makanoe | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53130, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
White birds-in-a-nest | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 19813, 5/8/1992. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Santa Cruz Island bushmallow | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Santa Cruz Island malacothrix | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Island malacothrix | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
Walker's manioc | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49850, 10/2/1991. | ||||
Mohr's Barbara's buttons | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 34698, 9/7/1988. | ||||
Nehe | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Nehe | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 62346, 12/5/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 62346, 12/5/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 62346, 12/5/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994. | ||||
Alani | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Pilo kea lau lii | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Alani | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Ash Meadows blazing-star | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Uhiuhi | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 24672, 7/8/1986. | ||||
Michigan monkey-flower | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 25596, 6/21/1990;
75 FR 55686, 9/14/2010. |
MacFarlane's four-o'clock | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61912, 10/26/1979;
61 FR 10693, 3/15/1996. |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 46715, 9/9/1994. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 46715, 9/9/1994; 88 FR 74890, 11/1/2023; 50 CFR 17.73(i). 4d | ||||
Willowy monardella | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Sea bean | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32014, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 8138, 2/18/1994. | ||||
Kolea | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Kolea | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kolea | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kolea | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kolea | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kolea | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Spreading navarretia | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Few-flowered navarretia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997. | ||||
Many-flowered navarretia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997. | ||||
Colusa grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. | ||||
Amargosa niterwort | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Britton's beargrass | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Aiea | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Aiea | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Aiea | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kului | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Holei | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Holei | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. | ||||
Antioch Dunes evening-primrose | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Bakersfield cactus | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. | ||||
California Orcutt grass | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41384, 8/3/1993. | ||||
San Joaquin Valley Orcutt grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hairy Orcutt grass | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Slender Orcutt grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Sacramento Orcutt grass | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. | ||||
Palo de rosa | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 13488, 4/10/1990; 87 FR 66591, 11/4/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(g). 4d | ||||
Canby's dropwort | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 6690, 2/25/1986. | ||||
Cushenbury oxytheca | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Fassett's locoweed | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 37970, 9/28/1988. | ||||
San Francisco Peaks ragwort | Wherever found | T | 48 FR 52743, 11/22/1983; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Carter's panicgrass | Wherever found | E | 48 FR 46328, 10/12/1983;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lau ehu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Papery whitlow-wort | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Lake County stonecrop | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997. | ||||
Beardless chinchweed | Wherever found | E | 86 FR 31830, June 15, 2021; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Furbish's lousewort | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978; 88 FR 30047; May 10, 2023; 50 CFR 17.73(d). 4d | ||||
Brady pincushion cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61784, 10/26/1979. | ||||
San Rafael cactus | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 34914, 9/16/1987. | ||||
Knowlton cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62244, 10/29/1979. | ||||
Fickeisen plains cactus | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 60607, 10/1/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Peebles Navajo cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61922, 10/26/1979. | ||||
Siler pincushion cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61786, 10/26/1979;
58 FR 68476, 12/27/1993. |
Winkler cactus | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 44587, 8/20/1998. | ||||
Parachute beardtongue | Wherever found | T | 76 FR 45053, 7/27/2011;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Blowout penstemon | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 32926, 9/1/1987. | ||||
Kremmling beardtongue | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 29658, 7/13/1989. | ||||
White-rayed pentachaeta | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Lyon's pentachaeta | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Alaala wai nui | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Wheeler's peperomia | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 1459, 1/14/1987. | ||||
Makou | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Sand dune phacelia | Wherever found | T | 88 FR 57180, 8/22/2023;
50 CFR 17.73(j); 4d 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Clay phacelia | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. | ||||
North Park phacelia | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 38540, 9/1/1982. | ||||
Island phacelia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
DeBeque phacelia | Wherever found | T | 76 FR 45053, 7/27/2011;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Yreka phlox | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 5268, 2/3/2000. | ||||
Texas trailing phlox | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49636, 9/30/1991. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 74 FR 11319, 3/17/2009;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1) CH; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Kiponapona | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
White Bluffs bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 78 FR 23983, 4/23/2013;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Missouri bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 679, 1/8/1987;
68 FR 59337, 10/15/2003; 75 FR 55686, 9/14/2010. |
Short's bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 44712, 8/1/2014. | ||||
Dudley Bluffs twinpod | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 4152, 2/6/1990. | ||||
White bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 7424, 3/11/1987. | ||||
Zapata bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 63745, 11/22/1999; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Key tree-cactus | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 29234, 7/19/1984. | ||||
Godfrey's butterwort | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. | ||||
Yadon's piperia | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hoawa | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Hoawa, haawa | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
Hoawa | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Ruth's golden aster | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29341, 7/18/1985. | ||||
Rough popcornflower | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 3866, 1/25/2000. | ||||
Calistoga allocarya | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Laukahi kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Laukahi kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
White fringeless orchid | Wherever found | T | 81 FR 62826, 9/13/16. | ||||
Eastern prairie fringed orchid | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 39857, 9/28/1989. | ||||
Western prairie fringed orchid | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 39857, 9/28/1989. | ||||
Chupacallos | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 60565, 11/25/1994. | ||||
San Bernardino bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Mann's bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56330, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Napa bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Hawaiian bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
San Diego mesa mint | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. | ||||
Otay mesa mint | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41384, 8/3/1993. | ||||
Lewton's polygala | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Tiny polygala | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. | ||||
Wireweed | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Sandlace | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Scotts Valley polygonum | Wherever found | E | 68 FR 16979, 4/8/2003;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Oheohe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Poe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Ihi | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Little Aguja pondweed | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 57844, 11/14/1991. | ||||
Hickman's potentilla | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. | ||||
Maguire primrose | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 33731, 8/21/1985. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. | ||||
Wahane | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 41020, 8/7/1996. | ||||
Baker's loulu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64637, 10/29/2013. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 43178, 8/21/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(g). CH |
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996. | ||||
Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996. | ||||
Scrub plum | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Hartweg's golden sunburst | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 5542, 2/6/1997. | ||||
San Joaquin adobe sunburst | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 5542, 2/6/1997. | ||||
Enaena | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Kopiko | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kopiko | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Kopiko | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Aplokating palaoan | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Kaulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kaulu | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Harperella | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 37978, 9/28/1988. | ||||
Arizona cliffrose | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 22326, 5/29/1984. | ||||
Hinckley's oak | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 32824, 8/26/1988. | ||||
Autumn buttercup | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 30550, 7/21/1989. | ||||
Makou | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Makou | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1450, 1/14/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Maui remya | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1450, 1/14/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1450, 1/14/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Leedy's roseroot | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 14649, 4/22/1992;
75 FR 55686, 9/14/2010. |
Chapman rhododendron | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 24248, 4/24/1979. | ||||
Michaux's sumac | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 39850, 9/28/1989. | ||||
Knieskern's beaked-rush | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 32978, 7/18/1991. | ||||
Miccosukee gooseberry | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 29338, 7/18/1985. | ||||
Gambel's watercress | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41378, 8/3/1993. | ||||
Bunched arrowhead | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 43700, 7/25/1979. | ||||
Kral's water-plantain | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 13907, 4/13/1990. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Lanai sandalwood or iliahi | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 3182, 1/24/1986;
78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Iliahi | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Green pitcher-plant | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 54922, 9/21/1979;
45 FR 18929, 3/24/1980. |
Alabama canebrake pitcher-plant | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 10150, 3/10/1989. | ||||
Mountain sweet pitcher-plant | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 38470, 9/30/1988. | ||||
Dwarf naupaka | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 17971, 5/16/1986. | ||||
Awiwi | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Diamond Head schiedea | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 6099, 2/17/1984. | ||||
Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49639, 9/30/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Kuawawaenohu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53130, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Laulihilihi (=Maolioli) | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 43178, 8/21/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(g). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Clay reed-mustard | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 1398, 1/14/1992. | ||||
Barneby reed-mustard | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 1398, 1/14/1992. | ||||
Shrubby reed-mustard | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 37416, 10/6/1987. | ||||
None | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 16021, 4/19/1991. | ||||
American chaffseed | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 44703, 9/29/1992. | ||||
Northeastern bulrush | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 21091, 5/7/1991. | ||||
Tobusch fishhook cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64736, 11/7/1979; 83 FR 22392, 5/15/2018. | ||||
Pariette cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 58868, 10/11/1979;
74 FR 47112, 9/15/2009. |
Colorado hookless cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 58868, 10/11/1979;
74 FR 47112, 9/15/2009. |
Lloyd's mariposa cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64247, 11/6/1979. | ||||
Mesa Verde cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 62471, 10/30/1979. | ||||
Uinta Basin hookless cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 58868, 10/11/1979;
74 FR 47112, 9/15/2009. |
Wright fishhook cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 58866, 10/11/1979. | ||||
Florida skullcap | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 19813, 5/8/1992. | ||||
Large-flowered skullcap | Wherever found | T | 51 FR 22521, 6/20/1986;
67 FR 1662, 1/14/2002. |
Layne's butterweed | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. | ||||
Hayun lagu (Guam), Tronkon guafi (Rota) | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 4907, 2/18/1987;
52 FR 6651, 5/4/1987. |
Ohai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(g); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Santa Cruz Island rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 42692, 8/8/1997. | ||||
Anunu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996,
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Anunu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Anunu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Keck's checkermallow | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 7757, 2/16/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 71680, 12/22/1999;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Kenwood Marsh checker-mallow | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Pedate checker-mallow | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 34497, 8/31/1984. | ||||
Everglades bully | Wherever found | T | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Fringed campion | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1932, 1/18/1991. | ||||
Spalding's catchfly | Wherever found | T | 66 FR 51597, 10/10/2001. | ||||
White irisette | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 48752, 9/26/1991. | ||||
Marron bacora | Wherever found | E | 87 FR 36225, 6/16/2022; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Erubia | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 32827, 8/26/1988. | ||||
Biringenas halumtanu, Birengenas halom tano | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Popolo ku mai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 10/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Popolo | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Aiakeakua, popolo | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Houghton's goldenrod | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 27134, 7/18/1988. | ||||
Short's goldenrod | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 36085, 9/5/1985. | ||||
Blue Ridge goldenrod | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 12306, 3/28/1985. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c) CH; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Gierisch mallow | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 49149, 8/13/2013. | ||||
Gentian pinkroot | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 49046, 11/26/1990. | ||||
Virginia spiraea | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 24241, 6/15/1990. | ||||
Canelo Hills ladies'-tresses | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 665, 1/6/1997. | ||||
Ute ladies'-tresses | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 2048, 1/17/1992. | ||||
Navasota ladies'-tresses | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 19539, 5/6/1982. | ||||
Cóbana negra | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 12790, 4/5/1990. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62468, 10/30/1979. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20592, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Malheur wire-lettuce | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 50881, 11/10/1982;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Metcalf Canyon jewelflower | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Bracted twistflower | Wherever found | T | 88 FR 21844, April 11, 2023; 50 CFR 17.73(h); 4d 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Tiburon jewelflower | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. | ||||
Texas snowbells | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 40035, 10/12/1984. | ||||
Palo de jazmfn | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. | ||||
Sea-blite, California | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. | ||||
Eureka dune grass, Eureka Valley dune grass, or Eureka dunegrass | Wherever found | T | 83 FR 8576, 2/27/18. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
California taraxacum | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1988;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Palo colorado | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. | ||||
Pamakani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49860, 9/30/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cooley's meadowrue | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 5935, 2/7/1989. | ||||
Howell's spectacular thelypody | Wherever found | T | 64 FR 28393, 5/26/1999. | ||||
Slender-petaled mustard | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 34497, 8/31/1984. | ||||
Kneeland Prairie penny-cress | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 6332, 2/9/2000;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ashy dogweed | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 29232, 7/19/1984. | ||||
Santa Cruz Island fringepod | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Last Chance townsendia | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 33734, 8/21/1985. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Bariaco | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 3565, 2/5/1988. | ||||
Showy Indian clover | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. | ||||
Monterey clover | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. | ||||
Persistent trillium | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. | ||||
Relict trillium | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 10879, 4/4/1988. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Greene's tuctoria | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Solano grass | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | ||||
Opuhe | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 53303, 9/9/2014;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Red Hills vervain | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998. | ||||
Big-leaved crownbeard | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25755, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Hawaiian vetch | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Pamakani | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Nani waialeale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Wide-leaf warea | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 15501, 4/29/1987. | ||||
Carter's mustard | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. | ||||
Akia | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Akia | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Dwarfiliau | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27859, 6/22/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Tennessee yellow-eyed grass | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 34151, 7/26/1991. | ||||
Desert yellowhead | Wherever found | T | 67 FR 11442, 3/14/2002;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ae | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996;
50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Ae | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Ae | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
St. Thomas prickly-ash | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 51867, 12/20/1985. | ||||
Texas wild-rice | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978;
50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Florida ziziphus | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. | ||||
Guatemalan fir (=pinabete) | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 65002, 11/8/1979. | ||||
Gowen cypress | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. | ||||
Fadang, faadang | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59424, 10/1/2015. | ||||
Alerce or Chilean false larch | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64730, 11/7/1979. | ||||
Santa Cruz cypress | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 675, 1/8/1987;
81 FR 8408, 2/19/2016. |
Whitebark pine | Wherever found | T | 87 FR 76882, 12/15/2022; 50 CFR 17.74(a). 4d | ||||
Florida torreya | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 2783, 1/23/1984. | ||||
Palai laau | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
American hart's-tongue fern | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 29726, 7/14/1989. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 32932, 6/27/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Pauoa | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Elfin tree fern | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 22936, 6/16/1987. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012;
50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Hohiu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Palapalai aumakua | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010;
50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
None | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 32308, 6/9/1993. | ||||
Olua | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Louisiana quillwort | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 48741, 10/28/1992. | ||||
Black-spored quillwort | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 3560, 2/5/1988. | ||||
Mat-forming quillwort | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 3560, 2/5/1988. | ||||
Ihiihi | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27863, 6/22/1992;
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kupukupu makalii | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Wawaeiole | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). |
Wawaeiole | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. | ||||
Aleutian shield-fern | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 4626, 2/17/1988. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 32308, 6/9/1993. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994;
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 32308, 6/9/1993. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 35887, 7/2/1993. | ||||
Alabama streak-sorus fern | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 30164, 7/8/1992. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 35887, 7/2/1993. | ||||
No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 35887, 7/2/1993. | ||||
Florida bristle fern | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 60440, 10/6/2015; 50 CFR 17.96(b)(1). CH | ||||
Florida perforate cladonia | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. | ||||
Rock gnome lichen | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 3557, 1/18/1995. | ||||
South Llano springs moss | Wherever found | E | 88 FR 25543, 4/27/2023. |