50 CFR § 80.2 - What terms do I need to know?
The terms in this section pertain only to the regulations in this part.
Acts means the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act of September 2, 1937, as amended (16 U.S.C. 669-669k), and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act of August 9, 1950, as amended (16 U.S.C. 777-777n, except 777e-1 and g-1).
Agency means a State fish and wildlife agency.
Angler means a person who fishes for sport fish for recreational purposes as permitted by State law.
Asset means all tangible and intangible real and personal property of monetary value. This includes Capital assets as defined at 2 CFR 200.12, Equipment as defined at 2 CFR 200.33, and real property of any value.
Capital improvement or capital expenditure for improvement means:
(1) A structure that costs at least $25,000 to build, acquire, or install; or the alteration or repair of a structure or the replacement of a structural component, if it increases the structure's useful life by at least 10 years or its market value by at least $25,000.
(2) An agency may use its own definition of capital improvement if its definition includes all capital improvements as defined here.
Comprehensive management system is a State fish and wildlife agency's method of operations that links programs, financial systems, human resources, goals, products, and services. It assesses the current, projected, and desired status of fish and wildlife; it develops a strategic plan and carries it out through an operational planning process; and it evaluates results. The planning period is at least 5 years using a minimum 15-year projection of the desires and needs of the State's citizens. A comprehensive-management-system grant funds all or part of a State's comprehensive management system.
Construction means the act of building or significantly renovating, altering, or repairing a structure. Acquiring, clearing, and reshaping land and demolishing structures are types or phases of construction. Examples of structures are buildings, roads, parking lots, utility lines, fences, piers, wells, pump stations, ditches, dams, dikes, water-control structures, fish-hatchery raceways, and shooting ranges.
Director means:
(1) The person whom the Secretary:
(i) Appointed as the chief executive official of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and
(ii) Delegated authority to administer the Acts nationally; or
(2) A deputy or another person authorized temporarily to administer the Acts nationally.
Diversion means any use of revenue from hunting and fishing licenses for a purpose other than administration of the State fish and wildlife agency.
Fee interest means the right to possession, use, and enjoyment of a parcel of land or water for an indefinite period. A fee interest, as used in this part, may be the:
(1) Fee simple, which includes all possible interests or rights that a person can hold in a parcel of land or water; or
(2) Fee with exceptions to title, which excludes one or more real property interests that would otherwise be part of the fee simple.
Grant means an award of money, the principal purpose of which is to transfer funds or property from a Federal agency to a grantee to support or stimulate an authorized public purpose under the Acts. This part uses the term grant for both a grant and a cooperative agreement for convenience of reference. This use does not affect the legal distinction between the two instruments. The meaning of grant in the terms grant funds,grant-funded,under a grant, and under the grant includes the matching cash and any matching in-kind contributions in addition to the Federal award of money.
Grantee means the State fish and wildlife agency that applies for the grant and carries out grant-funded activities in programs authorized by the Acts. The State fish and wildlife agency acts on behalf of the State government, which is the legal entity and is accountable for the use of Federal funds, matching funds, and matching in-kind contributions.
Lease means an agreement in which the owner of a fee interest transfers to a lessee the right of exclusive possession and use of an area of land or water for a fixed period, which may be renewable. The lessor cannot readily revoke the lease at his or her discretion. The lessee pays rent periodically or as a single payment. The lessor must be able to regain possession of the lessee's interest (leasehold interest) at the end of the lease term. An agreement that does not correspond to this definition is not a lease even if it is labeled as one.
Match or cost share means the non-Federal portion of project costs or value of any non-Federal in-kind contributions of a grant-funded project, unless a Federal statute authorizes match using Federal funds. Match must meet the requirements at 2 CFR 200.306(b)(1)-(7).
Obligation has two meanings depending on the context:
(1) When a grantee of Federal financial assistance commits funds by incurring costs for purposes of the grant, the definition at 2 CFR 200.71 applies.
(2) When the Service sets aside funds for disbursement immediately or at a later date in the formula-based programs under the Acts, the definition at 50 CFR 80.91 applies.
Personal property means anything tangible or intangible that is not real property.
(1) Tangible personal property includes:
(i) Objects, such as equipment and supplies, that are moveable without substantive damage to the land or any structure to which they may be attached;
(ii) Soil, rock, gravel, minerals, gas, oil, or water after excavation or extraction from the surface or subsurface;
(iii) Commodities derived from trees or other vegetation after harvest or separation from the land; and
(iv) Annual crops before or after harvest.
(2) Intangible personal property includes:
(i) Intellectual property, such as patents or copyrights;
(ii) Securities, such as bonds and interest-bearing accounts; and
(iii) Licenses, which are personal privileges to use an area of land or water with at least one of the following attributes:
(A) Are revocable at the landowner's discretion;
(B) Terminate when the landowner dies or the area of land or water passes to another owner; or
(C) Do not transfer a right of exclusive use and possession of an area of land or water.
Project means one or more related undertakings in a project-by-project grant that are necessary to fulfill a need or needs, as defined by a State fish and wildlife agency, consistent with the purposes of the appropriate Act. For convenience of reference in this part, the meaning of project includes an agency's fish and wildlife program under a comprehensive management system grant.
Project-by-project grant means an award of money based on a detailed statement of a project or projects and other supporting documentation.
Real property means one, several, or all interests, benefits, and rights inherent in the ownership of a parcel of land or water. Examples of real property include fee, conservation easements, access easements, utility easements, and mineral rights. A leasehold interest is also real property except in those States where the State Attorney General provides an official opinion that determines a lease is personal property under State law.
(1) A parcel includes (unless limited by its legal description) the space above and below it and anything physically affixed to it by a natural process or human action. Examples include standing timber, other vegetation (except annual crops), buildings, roads, fences, and other structures.
(2) A parcel may also have rights attached to it by a legally prescribed procedure. Examples include water rights or an access easement that allows the parcel's owner to travel across an adjacent parcel.
(3) The legal classification of an interest, benefit, or right depends on its attributes rather than the name assigned to it. For example, a grazing permit is often incorrectly labeled a lease, which can be real property, but most grazing permits are actually licenses, which are not real property.
Regional Director means the person appointed by the Director to be the chief executive official of one of the Service's geographic Regions, or a deputy or another person temporarily authorized to exercise the authority of the chief executive official of one of the Service's geographic Regions. This person's responsibility does not extend to any administrative units that the Service's Headquarters supervises directly in that geographic Region.
Secretary means the person appointed by the President to direct the operation of the Department of the Interior, or a deputy or another person who is temporarily authorized to direct the operation of the Department.
Service means the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Sport fish means aquatic, gill-breathing, vertebrate animals with paired fins, having material value for recreation in the marine and fresh waters of the United States.
State means any State of the United States, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the territories of Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. State also includes the District of Columbia for purposes of the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act, the Sport Fish Restoration program, and its subprograms. State does not include the District of Columbia for purposes of the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the programs and subprogram under the Act because the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act does not authorize funding for the District. References to “the 50 States” apply only to the 50 States of the United States and do not include the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, the District of Columbia, or the territories of Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.
State fish and wildlife agency means the administrative unit designated by State law or regulation to carry out State laws for management of fish and wildlife resources. If an agency has other jurisdictional responsibilities, the agency is considered the State fish and wildlife agency only when exercising responsibilities specific to management of the State's fish and wildlife resources.
Subaccount means a record of financial transactions for groups of similar activities based on programs and subprograms. Each group has a unique number. Different subaccounts also distinguish between benefits to marine or freshwater fisheries in the programs and subprograms authorized by the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act.
Useful life means the period during which a federally funded capital improvement is capable of fulfilling its intended purpose with adequate routine maintenance.
Wildlife means the indigenous or naturalized species of birds or mammals that are either:
(1) Wild and free-ranging;
(2) Held in a captive breeding program established to reintroduce individuals of a depleted indigenous species into previously occupied range; or
(3) Under the jurisdiction of a State fish and wildlife agency.