7 CFR § 1424.5 - Agreement process.
(a) To participate, an eligible producer must submit a signed agreement during the FY sign-up period. Agreements may be for single or multiple FY's. However, multiple FY agreements require producers to submit annual production estimate reports during each applicable FY sign-up period. Such reports must comply with the terms of the agreement and this part. In all cases, the accounting for compliance will be made on a per FY basis.
(b) Sign-up each FY will be held for 30 calendar days beginning for:
(1) FY 2003 on the date of publication of this rule;
(2) FY 2004 and beyond on August 1 of the FY before the applicable FY.
(c) After agreements are submitted:
(1) If determined eligible by KCCO, an agreement number will be assigned, and a notification will be mailed to the producer;
(2) If additional information is needed for KCCO to determine eligibility, the producer will be contacted as soon as practicable and requested to provide additional supporting documentation;
(3) If determined ineligible by KCCO, producers will be notified in writing that their agreement was rejected and the reason for the determination.