7 CFR § 1430.408 - MPP-Dairy premium repayments.
(a) A dairy operation that participated in MPP-Dairy during any of calendar years 2014 through 2017 may receive a repayment in an amount equal to the difference between the total amount of premiums paid by the dairy operation for each applicable calendar year of coverage and the total amount of payments made to the MPP-Dairy participating dairy operation for that applicable calendar year.
(b) FSA will determine the calculated repayment amounts for each year for each dairy operation that participated in MPP-Dairy during the years of 2014 through 2017.
(1) Coverage years in which the payments exceeded premiums paid for that coverage year will yield a $0 calculation for that calendar year.
(2) Dairy operations must provide adequate proof, to the satisfaction of FSA, for calculated repayment amounts in dispute.
(c) Qualifying dairy operations according to paragraph (a) of this section, must elect on a form prescribed by CCC, to receive the repayment in either an amount that is equal to the following:
(1) 75 percent of the calculated repayment as a credit that may be used by the dairy operation towards DMC premiums; or
(2) 50 percent of the calculated repayment as a direct cash repayment.
(d) Dairy operations may transfer their premium repayment election choice in paragraph (c) of this section to a dairy operation that succeeded to the dairy operation through a succession-in-interest transfer under MPP-Dairy. However, the dairy operation to which the election choice is being transferred to must be participating in the DMC Program if the credit option is elected according to paragraph (c)(1) of this section. Otherwise, their credit repayment election is not transferrable. Dairy operations that give up their right to elect a premium repayment option by designation of such on a form prescribed by CCC are not eligible to receive a cash or credit benefit, in full or partially, for premiums paid under MPP-Dairy.
(e) A dairy operation that elects the credit option can only use the credit in the DMC Program. If the entire credit is not used, for any reason, it cannot be applied as a credit to any other USDA program and will have zero cash value that cannot be redeemed for any purpose.
(f) A dairy operation that elects the cash repayment option will have the repayment issued only in the name of the dairy operation entity as it existed in MPP-Dairy.
(g) A dairy operation must choose their MPP-Dairy premium repayment option on a form prescribed by CCC during a period specified by FSA. Once the premium repayment choice of credit or cash is made by the dairy operation and approved by FSA, that choice cannot be changed.