7 CFR § 1436.3 - Definitions.
The following definitions will be applicable to the program authorized by this part and will be used in all aspects of administering this program:
Aggregate outstanding balance means the sum of the outstanding balances of all loans disbursed under this part to each borrower signing the note and security agreement.
Aquaculture, for FSFL purposes, means any species of aquatic organism grown as food for human consumption, or fish raised as feed for fish that are consumed by humans.
ARS means the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA.
Assumption means the act or agreement by which one borrower takes over or assumes the debt of another borrower.
CCC means the Commodity Credit Corporation.
Cold storage facility means a facility or rooms within a facility that are specifically designed and constructed for the cold temperature storage of perishable commodities. The temperature and humidity in these facilities must be able to be regulated to specified conditions required for the commodity requiring storage.
Collateral means the facility and any real estate used to secure the loan.
Commercial facility means any facility, used in connection with or by any commercial operation including, but not limited to, grain elevators, warehouses, dryers, processing plants, or cold storage facilities used for the storage and handling of any agricultural product, whether paid or unpaid. Any structure suitable for the storage of an agricultural product that is in working proximity to any commercial storage operation will be considered to be part of a commercial storage operation.
Commercial storage means the storing of any agricultural product, whether paid or unpaid, for persons other than the owner of the structure, except for family members and tenants or landlords with a share in the eligible facility loan commodity requiring storage.
Crop of economic significance means any insurable facility loan commodity that contributes 10 percent or more of the total expected value of all crops grown by the loan applicant except if the expected liability under the catastrophic level of crop insurance for a crop is equal to or less than the administrative fee for the crop, that crop shall not be economically significant.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs, Farm Service Agency, including any designee.
Facility means any on-farm storage and handling facility or structure, storage and handling equipment, or storage and handling truck, for which a producer may receive FSFL financing to acquire or upgrade. Such facilities can be new or used, fixed or portable.
Facility loan commodity means corn, grain sorghum, oats, wheat, barley, rice, raw or refined sugar, soybeans, sunflower seed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, flaxseed, mustard seed, crambe, sesame seed, other grains and oilseeds as determined and announced by CCC, dry peas, lentils, or chickpeas harvested as whole grain, peanuts, hay, renewable biomass, fruits and vegetables (including nuts), aquaculture, floriculture, hops, milk, rye, maple sap, honey, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, butter, yogurt, and other storable commodities as determined by the Secretary. Corn, grain sorghum, wheat, and barley are included whether harvested as whole grain or other than whole grain.
Financing statement means the appropriate document that gives legal notice of a security interest in personal property when properly filed or recorded.
FSA means the Farm Service Agency of the USDA.
FSFL means Farm Storage Facility Loan.
FSFL microloan means a loan for which the producer's aggregate outstanding FSFL balance will be equal to or less than $50,000 at the time of loan application and disbursement.
Hay means a grass or legume that has been cut and stored. Commonly used grass mixtures include rye grass, timothy, brome, fescue, coastal Bermuda, orchard grass, and other native species, depending on the region. Forage legumes include alfalfa and clovers.
NAP means the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program.
NEPA means the National Environmental Policy Act.
NIFA means the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the USDA.
Non-movable or non-salable collateral means either collateral the county committee determines cannot be sold and moved to a new location because of the type of construction involved or because the collateral has deteriorated to the point that it has no sale recovery value.
Off-farm paid labor means any laborer that does not work for the applicant on a regular basis and who is not hired as a seasonal worker.
OSHA means the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Portable equipment and storage structures means non-affixed equipment and storage containers that are manufactured to be mounted, hitched, or transported with a farm vehicle, truck, or trailer and its primary function is to store or handle eligible facility loan commodities at different farm, market, or storage locations. Examples of portable equipment include, but are not limited to, bulk tanks, conveyors, augers, scales, vacuums, pilers, scales, batch dryers, and storage containers.
Renewable biomass means any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis including renewable plant material such as feed grains or other agricultural commodities (including, but not limited to, soybeans and switchgrass), other plants and trees (excluding old-growth timber), algae, crop residue (including, but not limited to, corn stover, various straws and hulls, and orchard prunings), other vegetative waste material (including, but not limited to, wood waste, wood residues, and food and yard waste) used for the production of energy in the form of heat, electricity, and liquid, solid, or gaseous fuels. Manure from any source is not included.
Resale collateral value means collateral that can be sold and moved to a new location for which compensation equal to the outstanding loan value can be expected.
Satisfactory credit history means a history of repaying debts as they came due unless the failure to repay or tardiness in payment was due to circumstance beyond the applicant's control as determined by CCC upon proof submitted by the applicant.
Severance agreement means an agreement under which a party may consent to the security interest of another in property thereby allowing the severance of a fixture from the real estate.
Storage and handling truck means a CCC-approved commodity storage truck or van designed to carry eligible commodities and may be equipped with a variety of mechanical refrigeration systems and will be used to store, handle, and move eligible commodities from the producer's farm location to market or storage.
Subordination agreement means any agreement under which a party may subordinate a security interest in property to the interest of another party.
USDA means the United States Department of Agriculture.