7 CFR § 920.31 - Duties.
The committee shall have, among others, the following duties:
(a) To select a chairperson and such other officers as may be necessary, and to define the duties of such officers;
(b) To appoint such employees, agents and representatives as it may deem necessary, and to determine compensation and to define the duties of each;
(c) To submit to the Secretary as soon as practicable after the beginning of each fiscal period a budget for such fiscal period, including a report in explanation of the items appearing therein and a recommendation as to the rate of assessment for such period;
(d) To keep minutes, books and records which will reflect all of the acts and transactions of the committee and which shall be subject to examination by the Secretary;
(e) To prepare periodic statements of the financial operations of the committee and to make copies of each such statement available to growers and handlers for examination at the office of the committee;
(f) To cause its books to be audited by a public accountant at least once each fiscal year and at such times as the Secretary may request;
(g) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any grower or handler;
(h) To investigate and assemble data on the growing, handling and marketing conditions with respect to kiwifruit;
(i) To submit to the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the committee as is given to its members;
(j) To submit to the Secretary such available information as may be requested;
(k) To investigate compliance with the provisions of this part;
(l) With the approval of the Secretary, to redefine the districts into which the production area is divided and to reapportion the representation of any district on the committee: Provided, That any such changes shall reflect, insofar as practicable, shifts in kiwifruit production within the districts and the production area.