7 CFR Subpart S - Subpart S—United States Standards for Fresh Tomatoes
Grades (§§ 51.1855 - 51.1858)
Size (§ 51.1859)
Color Classification (§ 51.1860)
Tolerances (§ 51.1861)
Application of Tolerances (§ 51.1862)
Standard Weight (§ 51.1863)
Definitions (§§ 51.1864 - 51.1877)
- § 51.1864 Similar varietal characteristics.
- § 51.1865 Mature.
- § 51.1866 Soft.
- § 51.1867 Clean.
- § 51.1868 Well developed.
- § 51.1869 Fairly well formed.
- § 51.1870 Fairly smooth.
- § 51.1871 Damage.
- § 51.1872 Reasonably well formed.
- § 51.1873 Slightly rough.
- § 51.1874 Serious damage.
- § 51.1875 Misshapen.
- § 51.1876 Very serious damage.
- § 51.1877 Classification of defects.
38 FR 23932, Sept. 5, 1973, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981.