7 CFR Subpart B - Subpart B—General Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1

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  1. Premises, Buildings, Facilities, Equipment and Utensils (§§ 58.125 - 58.128)
    1. § 58.125 Premises.
    2. § 58.126 Buildings.
    3. § 58.127 Facilities.
    4. § 58.128 Equipment and utensils.
  2. Personnel, Cleanliness and Health (§§ 58.129 - 58.130)
    1. § 58.129 Cleanliness.
    2. § 58.130 Health.
  3. Protection and Transport of Raw Milk and Cream (§ 58.131)
    1. § 58.131 Equipment and facilities.
  4. Packaging and General Identification (§§ 58.150 - 58.152)
    1. § 58.150 Containers.
    2. § 58.151 Packaging and repackaging.
    3. § 58.152 General identification.
  5. Storage of Finished Product (§§ 58.153 - 58.154)
    1. § 58.153 Dry storage.
    2. § 58.154 Refrigerated storage.
  6. Explanation of Terms (§ 58.159)
    1. § 58.159 Terms.
  7. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing, Processing, and Packaging Nonfat Dry Milk, Instant Nonfat Dry Milk, Dry Whole Milk, and Dry Buttermilk (§ - )
  8. Definitions (§ 58.205)
    1. § 58.205 Meaning of words.
  9. Requirements for Finished Products Bearing USDA Official Identification (§§ 58.248 - 58.251)
    1. § 58.248 Nonfat dry milk.
    2. § 58.249 Instant nonfat dry milk.
    3. § 58.250 Dry whole milk.
    4. § 58.251 Dry buttermilk and dry buttermilk product.
  10. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing, Processing and Packaging Butter and Related Products (§ - )
  11. Definitions (§ 58.305)
    1. § 58.305 Meaning of words.
  12. Requirements for Finished Products Bearing USDA Official Identification (§§ 58.345 - 58.349)
    1. § 58.345 Butter.
    2. § 58.346 Whipped butter.
    3. § 58.347 Butteroil or anhydrous milkfat.
    4. § 58.348 Plastic cream.
    5. § 58.349 Frozen cream.
  13. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing and Packaging Cheese (§ - )
  14. Definitions (§ 58.405)
    1. § 58.405 Meaning of words.
  15. Requirements for Finished Products Bearing USDA Official Identification (§ 58.446)
    1. § 58.446 Quality requirements.
  16. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing and Packaging Cottage Cheese (§ - )
  17. Definitions (§ 58.505)
    1. § 58.505 Meaning of words.
  18. Rooms and Compartments (§ 58.510)
    1. § 58.510 Rooms and compartments.
  19. Quality Specifications for Raw Material (§§ 58.517 - 58.520)
    1. § 58.517 General.
    2. § 58.518 Milk.
    3. § 58.519 Dairy products.
    4. § 58.520 Nondairy ingredients.
  20. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing, Processing and Packaging Frozen Desserts (§ - )
  21. Definitions (§ 58.605)
    1. § 58.605 Meaning of words.
  22. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing, Processing and Packaging Pasteurized Process Cheese and Related Products (§ - )
  23. Definitions (§ 58.705)
    1. § 58.705 Meaning of words.
  24. Requirements for Processed Cheese Products Bearing USDA Official Identification (§§ 58.734 - 58.735)
    1. § 58.734 Official identification.
    2. § 58.735 Quality specifications for raw materials.
  25. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing, Processing, and Packaging Whey, Whey Products and Lactose (§ - )
  26. Definitions (§ 58.805)
    1. § 58.805 Meaning of words.
  27. Rooms and Compartments (§ 58.806)
    1. § 58.806 General.
  28. Quality Specifications for Raw Materials (§ 58.808)
    1. § 58.808 Whey.
  29. Requirements for Finished Products Bearing USDA Official Identification (§ 58.813)
    1. § 58.813 Dry whey.
  30. Supplemental Specifications for Plants Manufacturing, Processing, and Packaging Evaporated and Condensed Milk or Ultra-Pasteurized Products (§ - )
  31. definitions (§ 58.905)
    1. § 58.905 Meaning of words.
  32. Quality Specifications for Raw Materials (§§ 58.932 - 58.935)
    1. § 58.932 Milk.
    2. § 58.933 Stabilizers.
    3. § 58.934 Sugars.
    4. § 58.935 Chocolate and cocoa.

1 Compliance with these standards does not excuse failure to comply with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Environmental Protection Act, or applicable laws and regulations of any State or Municipality.

40 FR 47911, Oct. 10, 1975, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981.