9 CFR § 95.28 - Glands, organs, ox gall, and like materials; requirements for unrestricted entry.
§ 95.28 Glands, organs, ox gall, and like materials; requirements for unrestricted entry.
Glands, organs, ox gall or bile, bone marrow, and various like materials derived from domestic ruminants or swine, intended for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products shall not be imported except subject to handling and treatment in accordance with § 95.29, unless such glands, organs, or materials originated in and were shipped directly from a region not declared by the Secretary of Agriculture to be infected with foot-and-mouth disease.
[28 FR 5981, June 13, 1963, as amended at 62 FR 56024, Oct. 28, 1997. Redesignated and amended at 78 FR 73003, 73007, Dec. 4, 2013; 83 FR 15494, Apr. 11, 2018]