Potency test.

Potency test. Bulk or final container samples of completed product from each serial shall be tested for potency using the two-stage test provided in this paragraph.
(1) Each of at least 8 but not more than 10 guinea pigs, each weighing 300 to 500 grams, shall be injected subcutaneously with a guinea pig dose. A second guinea pig dose shall be injected 21 to 23 days after the first dose. Each guinea pig dose shall be one-fifth of the dose recommended on the label for a calf.
(2) Clostridium haemolyticum challenge material, available upon request from Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, shall be used for challenge 14 to 15 days following the last injection of the product. Each of eight vaccinates and each of five additional nonvaccinated guinea pigs for controls shall be injected intramuscularly with approximately 100 LD50 of challenge material. This dose shall be determined by statistical analysis of results of titrations of the challenge material. The vaccinates and controls shall be observed for 3 days postchallenge and all deaths recorded.
(3) For a valid test, at least 80 percent of the controls shall die within the 3 day post-challenge observation period. If this requirement is met, the results of the potency test shall be evaluated according to the following table:
(1) Each of at least 8 but not more than 10 guinea pigs, each weighing 300 to 500 grams, shall be injected subcutaneously with a guinea pig dose. A second guinea pig dose shall be injected 21 to 23 days after the first dose. Each guinea pig dose shall be one-fifth of the dose recommended on the label for a calf.
(2) Clostridium haemolyticum challenge material, available upon request from Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, shall be used for challenge 14 to 15 days following the last injection of the product. Each of eight vaccinates and each of five additional nonvaccinated guinea pigs for controls shall be injected intramuscularly with approximately 100 LD50 of challenge material. This dose shall be determined by statistical analysis of results of titrations of the challenge material. The vaccinates and controls shall be observed for 3 days postchallenge and all deaths recorded.
(3) For a valid test, at least 80 percent of the controls shall die within the 3 day post-challenge observation period. If this requirement is met, the results of the potency test shall be evaluated according to the following table:


9 CFR § 113.107

Scoping language

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