Public housing agency

Public housing agency (PHA). PHA includes both:
(1) Any State, county, municipality, or other governmental entity or public body which is authorized to administer the program (or an agency or instrumentality of such an entity), and
(2) Any of the following:
(i) A consortium of housing agencies, each of which meets the qualifications in paragraph (1) of this definition, that HUD determines has the capacity and capability to efficiently administer the program (in which case, HUD may enter into a consolidated ACC with any legal entity authorized to act as the legal representative of the consortium members);
(ii) Any other public or private non-profit entity that was administering a Section 8 tenant-based assistance program pursuant to a contract with the contract administrator of such program (HUD or a PHA) on October 21, 1998; or
(iii) For any area outside the jurisdiction of a PHA that is administering a tenant-based program, or where HUD determines that such PHA is not administering the program effectively, a private non-profit entity or a governmental entity or public body that would otherwise lack jurisdiction to administer the program in such area.


24 CFR § 982.4

Scoping language

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