Fiscal year.
Fiscal year. In the case of a taxpayer other than a calendar year taxpayer, the due dates of the required installments are as follows:
(iii) Short taxable year. See § 1.6655–5 for rules regarding required installments for corporations with a short taxable year.
(iv) Partial month. Except as otherwise provided, for purposes of determining the due date of any required installment, a partial month is treated as a full month.
(g) Definitions.
(1) The term tax as used in this section and §§ 1.6655–2 through 1.6655–7 means the excess of—
(i) The sum of—
(A) The tax imposed by section 11, section 1201(a), or subchapter L of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, whichever is applicable;
(B) The tax imposed by section 55; plus
(C) The tax imposed by section 887; over
(ii) The credits against tax provided by part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(i) In the case of a foreign corporation subject to taxation under section 11, section 1201(a), or subchapter L of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, the tax imposed by section 881 is treated as a tax imposed by section 11.
(ii) In the case of a partnership that is treated, pursuant to regulations issued under section 1446(f)(2), as a corporation for purposes of this section, the tax imposed by section 1446 is treated as a tax imposed by section 11.
(iii) Unless otherwise provided in the Internal Revenue Code or Treasury regulations, for purposes of the definition of “tax” as used in this section, a recapture of tax, such as a recapture provided by section 50(a)(1)(A), and any other similar provision, is not considered to be a tax imposed by section 11.
(iv) For the purposes of paragraph (d) of this section, the return for the preceding taxable year is the Federal income tax return for such taxable year that is required by section 6012(a)(2). However, if an amended Federal income tax return has been filed before the due date of an installment, then the return for the preceding taxable year is the Federal income tax return as amended. If an amended Federal income tax return has been filed on or after the due date for an installment, then the return for the preceding taxable year does not include for such installment period the Federal income tax return as amended subsequent to the due date for such installment. Paragraph (d) of this section will apply without regard to whether the taxpayer's Federal income tax return for the preceding taxable year is filed in a timely manner.
(h) Special rules for consolidated returns For special rules relating to the determination of the amount of the underpayment in the case of a corporation whose income is included in a consolidated return, see § 1.1502–5(b).
(i) Overpayments applied to subsequent taxable year's estimated tax—(1) In general. If a taxpayer elects under the provisions of sections 6402(b) and 6513(d) and the regulations to apply an overpayment in year one against the estimated tax liability for year two, the overpayment will be applied to the required installment payments for year two in the order due and to the extent necessary to satisfy such installments, similar to the manner in which an actual overpayment of one installment is carried forward to the next installment. No interest is accrued or paid on an overpayment if the election to apply the overpayment against estimated tax is made.
(2) Subsequent examinations. If a deficiency is determined in an examination of a return for a taxable year that originally reflected an overpayment that was applied against estimated tax for the succeeding taxable year, interest on the deficiency will not begin to accrue on an amount applied until that amount is used to satisfy a required estimated tax payment in such taxable year. Regardless of whether the taxpayer anticipated the application of such overpayment from the prior taxable year in calculating and paying its required estimated tax installment liabilities for the current taxable year, the subsequently determined underpayment and interest computation thereon will not change the taxpayer's original election to apply the overpayment against the estimated tax liability of the succeeding taxable year. Any changes to the usage of the original overpayment from the prior taxable year are hypothetical only and solely for the purpose of computing deficiency interest. Overpayment interest will not be impacted. For further guidance, see Rev. Rul. 99–40 (1999–2 CB 441), (see § 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this chapter).
(j) Examples. The method prescribed in paragraphs (d) through (g) of this section is illustrated by the following examples:
(A) Tax as defined in paragraph (g) of this section for 2009 ($88,900−$5,000) = $83,900
(B) Tax as defined in paragraph (g) of this section for 2008 = $74,900
(C) 100% of the lesser of this paragraph (j), Example 1 (i)(A) or (i)(B) = $74,900
(D) Amount of estimated tax required to be paid on or before each installment date (25% of $74,900) = $18,725
(E) Deduct amount paid on or before each installment date = $18,725
(F) Amount of underpayment for each installment date = $0
(ii) [Reserved]
(A) Tax as defined in paragraph (g) of this section for 2009 = $70,000
(B) Tax as defined in paragraph (g) of this section for 2008 = $90,000
(C) 100% of the lesser of this paragraph (j), Example 2 (i)(A) or (i)(B) = $70,000
(D) Amount of estimated tax required to be paid on or before each installment date (25% of $70,000) = $17,500
(E) Amount paid on or before the first, second, and third installment dates = $0
(F) Amount paid on or before the fourth installment date = $63,000
(G) Amount of underpayment for each of the first, second, and third installment dates = $17,500
(H) Amount of underpayment for the fourth installment date = $7,000
(ii) Addition to tax. Assuming that neither the annualized income installment method nor the adjusted seasonal installment method described in §§ 1.6655–2 and 1.6655–3 would result in a lower payment for any installment period, and the addition to tax is computed under section 6621(a)(2) at the rate of 8 percent per annum for the applicable periods of underpayment, the addition to tax is determined as follows:
(A) First installment (underpayment period 4–16–09 through 12–15–09), computed as 244/365 × $17,500 × 8% = $936
(B) Second installment (underpayment period 6–16–09 through 12–15–09), computed as 183/365 × $17,500 × 8% = $702
(C) Third installment (underpayment period 9–16–09 through 12–15–09), computed as 91/365 × $17,500 × 8% = $349
(D) Fourth installment (underpayment period 12–16–09 through 3–15–10), computed as 90/365 × $7,000 × 8% = $138
(E) Total of this paragraph (j), Example 2 (ii)(A) through (D) = $2,125
(k) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to taxable years beginning after September 6, 2007.