Negotiated prices
Negotiated prices means prices for covered Part D drugs that meet all of the following:
(1) The Part D sponsor (or other intermediary contracting organization) and the network dispensing pharmacy or other network dispensing provider have negotiated as the amount such network entity will receive, in total, for a particular drug.
(2) Are inclusive of all price concessions from network pharmacies except those contingent price concessions that cannot reasonably be determined at the point-of-sale; and
(3) Include any dispensing fees; but
(4) Excludes additional contingent amounts, such as incentive fees, if these amounts increase prices and cannot reasonably be determined at the point-of-sale.
(5) Must not be rebated back to the Part D sponsor (or other intermediary contracting organization) in full or in part.
42 CFR § 423.100
Scoping language
As used in this part, unless otherwise specified-