Common designated representative

Common designated representative means, with regard to a control period in a given year, a designated representative where, as of April 1 immediately after the allowance transfer deadline for such control period, the same natural person is authorized under 97.713 and 97.715(a) as the designated representative for a group of one or more CSAPR SO2 Group 2 sources and units located in a State (and Indian country within the borders of such State).


40 CFR § 97.702

Scoping language

The terms used in this subpart shall have the meanings set forth in this section as follows, provided that any term that includes the acronym CSAPR shall be considered synonymous with a term that is used in a SIP revision approved by the Administrator under 52.38 or 52.39 of this chapter and that is substantively identical except for the inclusion of the acronym TR in place of the acronym CSAPR:

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