as received
All oilseed measurements must be determined on an as received basis, as defined in 63.2872. The as received basis refers to the oilseed chemical and physical characteristics as initially received by the source and prior to any oilseed handling and processing. By the end of each calendar month following an operating month, you must determine the tons as received of each listed oilseed processed for the operating month. The total oilseed processed for an operating month includes the total of each oilseed processed during all normal operating periods that occur within the operating month. If you have determined the tons of oilseed processed for 12 or more operating months, then you must also determine the 12 operating months rolling sum of each type oilseed processed by summing the tons of each type of oilseed processed for the previous 12 operating months. The 12 operating months rolling sum of each type of oilseed processed is used to calculate the compliance ratio as described in 63.2840.