Seventh and subsequent taxable years.

Seventh and subsequent taxable years.
(i) For any passenger automobile that has a fair market value less than or equal to $32,400, the inclusion amount for the seventh and subsequent taxable years during which the automobile is leased is zero.
(ii) For any passenger automobile that has a fair market value greater than $32,400, the inclusion amount for the seventh and subsequent taxable years during which the automobile is leased is 6 percent of -
(A) The excess (if any) of the automobile's fair market value, over
(B) The sum of -
(1) $13,200 and
(2) $4,800 multiplied by the number of taxable years in excess of three years.
(6) Additional inclusion amount when less than predominant use in a qualified business use.
(i) If a passenger automobile, which is leased after April 2, 1985, and before January 1, 1987, is not predominantly used in a qualified business use during a taxable year, the lessee must add to gross income in the first taxable year that the automobile is not so used (and only in that year) an inclusion amount determined under this paragraph (e)(6). This inclusion amount is in addition to the amount required to be included in gross income under paragraph (e) (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section.
(ii) If the fair market value (as defined in paragraph (h)(2) of this section) of the automobile is greater than $11,250, the inclusion amount is determined by multiplying the average of the business/investment use (as defined in paragraph (h)(3) of this section) by the appropriate dollar amount from the table in paragraph (e)(6)(iii) of this section. If the fair market value of the automobile is $11,250 or less, the inclusion amount is the product of the fair market value of the automobile, the average business/investment use, and the applicable percentage from the table in paragraph (e)(6)(iv) of this section.
(iii) The dollar amount is determined under the following table:
(iv) The applicable percentage is determined under the following table:
(i) For any passenger automobile that has a fair market value less than or equal to $32,400, the inclusion amount for the seventh and subsequent taxable years during which the automobile is leased is zero.
(ii) For any passenger automobile that has a fair market value greater than $32,400, the inclusion amount for the seventh and subsequent taxable years during which the automobile is leased is 6 percent of -
(A) The excess (if any) of the automobile's fair market value, over
(B) The sum of -
(1) $13,200 and
(2) $4,800 multiplied by the number of taxable years in excess of three years.
(6) Additional inclusion amount when less than predominant use in a qualified business use.
(i) If a passenger automobile, which is leased after April 2, 1985, and before January 1, 1987, is not predominantly used in a qualified business use during a taxable year, the lessee must add to gross income in the first taxable year that the automobile is not so used (and only in that year) an inclusion amount determined under this paragraph (e)(6). This inclusion amount is in addition to the amount required to be included in gross income under paragraph (e) (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section.
(ii) If the fair market value (as defined in paragraph (h)(2) of this section) of the automobile is greater than $11,250, the inclusion amount is determined by multiplying the average of the business/investment use (as defined in paragraph (h)(3) of this section) by the appropriate dollar amount from the table in paragraph (e)(6)(iii) of this section. If the fair market value of the automobile is $11,250 or less, the inclusion amount is the product of the fair market value of the automobile, the average business/investment use, and the applicable percentage from the table in paragraph (e)(6)(iv) of this section.
(iii) The dollar amount is determined under the following table:
(iv) The applicable percentage is determined under the following table:
(f) Inclusions in income of lessees of listed property other than passenger automobiles -
(1) In general. If listed property other than a passenger automobile is not used predominantly in a qualified business use in any taxable year in which such property is leased, the lessee must add an inclusion amount to gross income in the first taxable year in which such property is not so predominantly used (and only in that year). This inclusion amount is determined under paragraph (f)(2) of this section for property leased after June 18, 1984, and before January 1, 1987. The inclusion amount is determined under § 1.280F-7(b) for property leased after December 31, 1986.
(2) Inclusion amount for property leased after June 18, 1984, and before January 1, 1987. The inclusion amount for property leased after June 18, 1984, and before January 1, 1987, is the product of the following amounts:
(i) The fair market value (as defined in paragraph (h)(2) of this section) of the property,
(ii) The average business/investment use (as defined in paragraph (h)(3) of this section), and
(iii) The applicable percentage (as determined under paragraph (f)(3) of this section).
(3) Applicable percentages. The applicable percentages for 3-, 5-, and 10-year recovery property are determined according to the following tables:
(i) In the case of 3-year recovery property:
(ii) In the case of 5-year recovery property:
(iii) In the case of 10-year recovery property:
(g) Special rules applicable to inclusions in income of lessees. This paragraph (g) applies to the inclusions in gross income of lessees prescribed under paragraphs (d)(2), (e)(6), or (f) of this section, or prescribed under § 1.280F-7(b).
(1) Lease term commences within 9 months of the end of lessee's taxable year. If:
(i) The lease term commences within 9 months before the close of the lessee's taxable year,
(ii) The property is not predominantly used in a qualified business use during that portion of the taxable year, and
(iii) The lease term continues into the lessee's subsequent taxable year, then the inclusion amount is added to gross income in the lessee's subsequent taxable year and the amount is determined by taking into account the average of the business/investment use for both taxable years and the applicable percentage for the taxable year in which the lease term begins (or, in the case of a passenger automobile with a fair market value greater than $16,500, the appropriate dollar amount for the taxable year in which the lease term begins).
(2) Lease term less than one year. If the lease term is less than one year, the amount which must be added to gross income is an amount that bears the same ratio to the inclusion amount determined before the application of this paragraph (g)(2) as the number of days in the lease term bears to 365.
(3) Maximum inclusion amount. The inclusion amount shall not exceed the sum of all deductible amounts in connection with the use of the listed property properly allocable to the lessee's taxable year in which the inclusion amount must be added to gross income.
(h) Definitions -
(1) Lease term. In determining the term of any lease for purposes of this section, the rules of section 168(i)(3)(A) shall apply.
(2) Fair market value. For purposes of this section, the fair market value of listed property is such value on the first day of the lease term. If the capitalized cost of listed property is specified in the lease agreement, the lessee shall treat such amount as the fair market value of the property.
(3) Average business/investment use. For purposes of this section, the average business/investment use of any listed property is the average of the business/investment use for the first taxable year in which the business use percentage is 50 percent or less and all preceding taxable years in which such property is leased. See paragraph (g)(1) of this section for special rule when lease term commences within 9 months before the end of the lessee's taxable year.
(i) Examples. This section may be illustrated by the following examples.


26 CFR § 1.280F-5T

Scoping language

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