Recipient means any entity to which financial assistance under WIA Title I is extended, either directly from the Department or through the Governor or another recipient (including any successor, assignee, or transferee of a recipient), but excluding the ultimate beneficiaries of the WIA Title I-funded program or activity. In instances in which a Governor operates a program or activity, either directly or through a State agency, using discretionary funds apportioned to him or her under WIA Title I (rather than disbursing the funds to another recipient), the Governor is also a recipient. Recipient includes, but is not limited to:
(1) State-level agencies that administer, or are financed in whole or in part with, WIA Title I funds;
(2) State Employment Security Agencies;
(3) State and local Workforce Investment Boards;
(4) LWIA grant recipients;
(5) One-Stop operators;
(6) Service providers, including eligible training providers;
(7) On-the-Job Training (OJT) employers;
(8) Job Corps contractors and center operators, excluding the operators of federally-operated Job Corps centers;
(9) Job Corps national training contractors;
(10) Outreach and admissions agencies, including Job Corps contractors that perform these functions;
(11) Placement agencies, including Job Corps contractors that perform these functions; and
(12) Other National Program recipients.
29 CFR § 37.4
Scoping language
As used in this part, the term: