Troll gear

Troll gear means a power gurdy troll gear consisting of a line or lines with lures or baited hooks that are drawn through the water by a power gurdy; hand troll gear consisting of a line or lines with lures or baited hooks that are drawn through the water from a vessel by hand trolling, strip fishing, or other types of trolling, and which are retrieved by hand power or hand-powered crank and not by any type of electrical, hydraulic, mechanical, or other assisting device or attachment; or dinglebar troll gear consisting of one or more lines, retrieved and set with a troll gurdy or hand troll gurdy, with a terminally attached weight from which one or more leaders with one or more lures or baited hooks are pulled through the water while a vessel is making way.


50 CFR § 100.25

Scoping language

Definitions. The following definitions apply to all regulations contained in this part:

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