Servicer. The authorized servicer is either:
(1) The servicing agent of a holder; or
(2) The holder itself, if the holder is performing all servicing functions on a loan. The servicer is typically the entity reporting all loan activity to VA and filing claims under the guaranty on behalf of the holder. VA will generally issue guaranty claims and other payments to the servicer, who will be responsible for forwarding funds to the holder in accordance with its servicing agreement. Incentives under § 36.4319 will generally be paid directly to the servicer based on its performance under that section and in accordance with its tier ranking under § 36.4318.
38 CFR § 36.4301
Scoping language
Whenever used in 38 U.S.C. chapter 37 or subpart F of this part, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined in this section shall have the following meaning: