Approved intermediate handling facility.

Approved intermediate handling facility. Premises approved by the Administrator and the State animal health official for receiving and handling cattle and bison for release only to recognized slaughtering establishments and quarantined feedlots. Cattle and bison may be held at an approved intermediate handling facility for a maximum of 7 days and may not change ownership during this time. No cattle or bison, except cattle or bison moved directly from a farm of origin, shall be permitted to enter an approved intermediate handling facility unless they are accompanied by a permit or S brand permit. Cattle or bison transported in vehicles closed with official seals are prohibited from entering the approved intermediate handling facility. No cattle or bison shall be permitted to leave an approved intermediate handling facility unless they are accompanied by a permit or S brand permit which lists a recognized slaughtering establishment or a quarantined feedlot as the point of destination. To qualify for and retain approval, the following conditions must be met: The facility must be separate and apart from other livestock handling facilities for breeding cattle and breeding bison; (b) Serviceable equipment for cleaning and disinfection shall be furnished and maintained with adequate disinfectant on hand; (c) The facility must be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with 71.4(a) of this chapter; (d) Any document relating to cattle or bison which are or have been in the facility shall be maintained by the facility for a period of 2 years; (e) State representatives and APHIS representatives shall be granted, at reasonable hours, access to all documents required to be maintained by the facility and authority to reproduce the documents; and (f) Each entrance and exit to the facility must prominently display a sign bearing the following words: All cattle and bison entering this facility must go directly to slaughter or a quarantined feedlot. The Administrator may withdraw or deny approval of any intermediate handling facility in accordance with 71.20 of this chapter.


9 CFR § 78.1

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