Annual fuel cost.

Annual fuel cost. Calculate annual fuel costs as follows:
(1) Except as specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section, calculate the total annual fuel cost with the following formula, rounded to nearest $50:
(2) For dual fuel vehicles and flexible fuel vehicles, disregard operation on the alternative fuel.
(3) For plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, calculate annual fuel cost as described in this paragraph (e)(3). This description applies for vehicles whose engine starts only after the battery is fully discharged. Use good engineering judgment to extrapolate this for calculating annual fuel cost for vehicles that use combined power from the battery and the engine before the battery is fully discharged. Calculate annual fuel cost as follows:
(i) Determine the charge-depleting ranges for city and highway operation as described in paragraph (j)(4)(i) of this section. Adjust each of these values for 5-cycle operation.
(ii) Calculate multi-day individual utility factors (UF) as described in § 600.116 corresponding to the driving ranges from paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section.
(iii) Calculate values for the vehicle's average fuel economy over the charge-depleting range (in miles per kW-hr) for city and highway operation as described in § 600.210. Adjust each of these values for 5-cycle operation. Convert these to $/mile values by dividing the appropriate fuel price from paragraph (e)(1) of this section by the average fuel economy determined in this paragraph (e)(3)(iii).
(iv) Calculate values for the vehicle's average fuel economy over the charge-sustaining range (in miles per gallon) for city and highway operation as described in § 600.210-12. Adjust each of these values for 5-cycle operation. Convert these to $/mile values by dividing the appropriate fuel price from paragraph (e)(1) of this section by the average fuel economy determined in this paragraph (e)(3)(iv).
(v) Calculate a composite $/mile value for city driving using the following equation:
(vi) Repeat the calculation in paragraph (e)(3)(v) of this section for highway driving.
(vii) Calculate the annual fuel cost based on the combined values for city and highway driving using the following equation:
(4) Round the annual fuel cost to the nearest $50 by dividing the unrounded annual fuel cost by 50, then rounding the result to the nearest whole number, then multiplying this rounded result by 50 to determine the annual fuel cost to be used for purposes of labeling.


40 CFR § 600.311-12

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