Savings and loan holding company

Savings and loan holding company means any company (including a savings association) that directly or indirectly controls a savings association, but does not include:
(1) Any company by virtue of its ownership or control of voting stock of a savings association acquired in connection with the underwriting of securities if such stock is held only for such period of time (not exceeding 120 days unless extended by the Board) as will permit the sale thereof on a reasonable basis;
(2) Any trust (other than a pension, profit-sharing, stockholders', voting, or business trust) which controls a savings association if such trust by its terms must terminate within 25 years or not later than 21 years and 10 months after the death of individuals living on the effective date of the trust, and:
(i) Was in existence and in control of a savings association on June 26, 1967, or
(ii) Is a testamentary trust;
(3) A bank holding company that is registered under, and subject to, the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, or any company directly or indirectly controlled by such company (other than a savings association);
(4) A company that controls a savings association that functions solely in a trust or fiduciary capacity as provided in section 2(c)(2)(D) of the Bank Holding Company Act; or
(5) A company described in section 10(c)(9)(C) of HOLA solely by virtue of such company's control of an intermediate holding company established under section 10A of the Home Owners' Loan Act.


12 CFR § 238.2

Scoping language

As used in this part and in the forms under this part, the following definitions apply, unless the context otherwise requires:

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