Service agreement

Service agreement means the document signed by the State or local agency and the State or local Central Data Processing facility whenever the latter provides data processing services to the former and:
(a) Identifies those ADP services the Central Data Processing facility will provide;
(b) Includes, preferably as an amendable attachment, a schedule of charges for each identified ADP service, and a certification that these charges apply equally to all users;
(c) Includes a description of the method(s) of accounting for the services rendered under the agreement and computing services charges;
(d) Includes assurances that services provided will be timely and satisfactory; preferably through a service level agreement;
(e) Includes assurances that information in the computer system as well as access, use and disposal of ADP data will be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of all applicable federal statutes and regulations, including §§ 205.50 and 307.13;
(f) Requires the provider to obtain prior approval pursuant to § 95.611(a) from the Department for ADP equipment and ADP services that are acquired from commercial sources primarily to support the titles covered by this subpart and requires the provider to comply with § 95.613 for procurements related to the service agreement. ADP equipment and services are considered to be primarily acquired to support the titles covered by this subpart when the human service programs may reasonably be expected to either: be billed for more than 50 percent of the total charges made to all users of the ADP equipment and services during the time period covered by the service agreement, or directly charged for the total cost of the purchase or lease of ADP equipment or services;
(g) Includes the beginning and ending dates of the period of time covered by the service agreement; and
(h) Includes a schedule of expected total charges to the title covered by this subpart for the period of the service agreement.


45 CFR § 95.605

Scoping language

As used in this part, the term:

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