banned hazardous substance
The term banned hazardous substance as used in section 2(q)(1)(A) of the act (repeated in 1500.3(b)(15)(i)(A)) of the act shall not apply to the following articles:
(1) Toy rattles described in § 1500.18(a)(1) in which the rigid wires, sharp protrusions, or loose small objects are internal and provided that such rattles are constructed so that they will not break or deform to expose or release the contents either in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse.
(2) Dolls and stuffed animals and other similar toys described in § 1500.18(a)(3) in which the components that have the potential for causing laceration, puncture wound injury, or other similar injury are internal, provided such dolls, stuffed animals, and other similar toys are constructed so that they will not break or deform to expose such components either in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse.
(3) [Reserved]
(4) Any article known as a “baby-bouncer” or “walker-jumper” and any other similar article (referred to in this paragraph as “article(s)”), except an infant walker subject to part 1216 of this chapter, described in § 1500.18(a)(6) provided:
(i) The frames are designed and constructed in a manner to prevent injury from any scissoring, shearing, or pinching when the members of the frame or other components rotate about a common axis or fastening point or otherwise move relative to one another; and
(ii) Any coil springs which expand when the article is subjected to a force that will extend the spring to its maximum distance so that a space between successive coils is greater than one-eighth inch (0.125 inch) are covered or otherwise designed to prevent injuries; and
(iii) All holes larger than one-eighth inch (0.125 inch) in diameter and slots, cracks, or hinged components in any portion of the article through which a child could insert, in whole or in part a finger, toe, or any other part of the anatomy are guarded or otherwise designed to prevent injuries; and
(iv) The articles are designed and constructed to prevent accidental collapse while in use; and
(v) The articles are designed and constructed in a manner that eliminates from any portion of the article the possibility of presenting a mechanical hazard through pinching, bruising, lacerating, crushing, breaking, amputating, or otherwise injuring portions of the human body when in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse; and
(vi) Any article which is introduced into interstate commerce after the effective date of this subparagraph is labeled:
(A) With a conspicuous statement of the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, distributor, or seller; and
(B) With a code mark on the article itself and on the package containing the article or on the shipping container, in addition to the invoice(s) or shipping document(s), which code mark will permit future identification by the manufacturer of any given model (the manufacturer shall change the model number whenever the article undergoes a significant structural or design modification); and
(vii) The manufacturer or importer of the article shall make, keep, and maintain for 3 years records of sale, distribution, and results of inspections and tests conducted in accordance with this subparagraph and shall make such records available at all reasonable hours upon request by any officer or employee of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and shall permit such officer or employee to inspect and copy such records, to make such stock inventories as he deems necessary, and to otherwise check the correctness of such records.
(5) Clacker balls described in § 1500.18(a)(7) that have been designed, manufactured, assembled, labeled, and tested in accordance with the following requirements, and when tested at the point of production or while in interstate commerce or while held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce do not exceed the failure rate requirements of the table in paragraph (a)(5)(vi) of this section:
(i) The toy shall be so designed and fabricated that:
(A) Each ball: Weighs less than 50 grams; will not shatter, crack, or chip; is free of cracks, flash (ridges due to imperfect molding), and crazing (tiny surface cracks); and is free of rough or sharp edges around any hole where the cord enters or over any surface with which the cord may make contact. Each ball is free of internal voids (holes, cavities, or air bubbles) if the balls are made of materials other than those materials (such as ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), nylon, and high-impact polystyrene) that are injection-molded and possess high-impact characteristics.
(B) The cord: Is of high tensile strength, synthetic fibers that are braided or woven, having a breaking strength in excess of 445 Newtons (100 pounds); is free of fraying or any other defect that might tend to reduce its strength in use; is not molded in balls made of casting resins which tend to wick up or run up on the outside of the cord; and is affixed to a ball at the center of the horizontal plane of the ball when it is suspended by the cord. Clacker balls where the mass of each ball is less than 12 grams (0.42 oz.) and the distance between the center of the pivot and the center of the ball cannot exceed 180 mm (7.1 inches) may have a minimum cord breaking strength of less than 445 Newtons (100 pounds), as computed by the following formula: