Extension of time.

Extension of time.
(1) The Regional Administrator may authorize an extension of time for the preparation and full implementation of a Plan, or any amendment thereto, beyond the time permitted for the preparation, implementation, or amendment of a Plan under this part, when he finds that the owner or operator of a facility subject to this section, cannot fully comply with the requirements as a result of either nonavailability of qualified personnel, or delays in construction or equipment delivery beyond the control and without the fault of such owner or operator or his agents or employees.
(2) If you are an owner or operator seeking an extension of time under paragraph (f)(1) of this section, you may submit a written extension request to the Regional Administrator. Your request must include:
(i) A full explanation of the cause for any such delay and the specific aspects of the Plan affected by the delay;
(ii) A full discussion of actions being taken or contemplated to minimize or mitigate such delay; and
(iii) A proposed time schedule for the implementation of any corrective actions being taken or contemplated, including interim dates for completion of tests or studies, installation and operation of any necessary equipment, or other preventive measures. In addition you may present additional oral or written statements in support of your extension request.
(3) The submission of a written extension request under paragraph (f)(2) of this section does not relieve you of your obligation to comply with the requirements of this part. The Regional Administrator may request a copy of your Plan to evaluate the extension request. When the Regional Administrator authorizes an extension of time for particular equipment or other specific aspects of the Plan, such extension does not affect your obligation to comply with the requirements related to other equipment or other specific aspects of the Plan for which the Regional Administrator has not expressly authorized an extension.


40 CFR § 112.3

Scoping language

The owner or operator or an onshore or offshore facility subject to this section must prepare in writing and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (hereafter SPCC Plan or Plan), in accordance with 112.7 and any other applicable section of this part.

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