(1) For all limitations and standards specified in this part except those pertaining to AOX and chloroform: Production shall be defined as the annual off-the-machine production (including off-the-machine coating where applicable) divided by the number of operating days during that year. Paper and paperboard production shall be measured at the off-the-machine moisture content, except for subpart C of this part (as it pertains to pulp and paperboard production at unbleached kraft mills including linerboard or bag paper and other mixed products, and to pulp and paperboard production using the unbleached kraft neutral sulfite semi-chemical (cross recovery) process), and subparts F and J of this part (as they pertain to paperboard production from wastepaper from noncorrugating medium furnish or from corrugating medium furnish) where paper and paperboard production shall be measured in air-dry-tons (10% moisture content). Market pulp shall be measured in air-dry tons (10% moisture). Production shall be determined for each mill based upon past production practices, present trends, or committed growth.
(2) For AOX and chloroform limitations and standards specified in subparts B and E of this part: Production shall be defined as the annual unbleached pulp production entering the first stage of the bleach plant divided by the number of operating days during that year. Unbleached pulp production shall be measured in air-dried-metric-tons (10% moisture) of brownstock pulp entering the bleach plant at the stage during which chlorine or chlorine-containing compounds are first applied to the pulp. In the case of bleach plants that use totally chlorine free bleaching processes, unbleached pulp production shall be measured in air-dried-metric tons (10% moisture) of brownstock pulp entering the first stage of the bleach plant from which wastewater is discharged. Production shall be determined for each mill based upon past production practices, present trends, or committed growth.
40 CFR § 430.01
Scoping language
In addition to the definitions set forth in 40 CFR part 401 and 40 CFR 403.3, the following definitions apply to this part: