Evaporative emission standards.

Evaporative emission standards. Evaporative emissions from gasoline-fueled, natural gas-fueled, liquefied petroleum gas-fueled, ethanol-fueled and methanol-fueled vehicles must not exceed the standards in this paragraph (e) at low altitude conditions. The evaporative emission standards specified in 86.181104(e)(1) continue to apply at high altitude conditions. The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles.
(1) Diurnal-plus-hot soak evaporative hydrocarbon standards.
(i) Hydrocarbons for LDV/LLDTs, HLDTs and MDPVs that are gasoline-fueled, dedicated natural gas-fueled, dedicated liquefied petroleum gas-fueled, dedicated ethanol-fueled, dedicated methanol-fueled and multi-fueled vehicles when operating on gasoline must not exceed the diurnal plus hot soak standards shown in Table S09–1 for the full three diurnal test sequence and for the supplemental two diurnal test sequence. The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles, except as otherwise specified in paragraph (t) of this section. Table S09–1 follows:
(1) Diurnal-plus-hot soak evaporative hydrocarbon standards.
(i) Hydrocarbons for LDV/LLDTs, HLDTs and MDPVs that are gasoline-fueled, dedicated natural gas-fueled, dedicated liquefied petroleum gas-fueled, dedicated ethanol-fueled, dedicated methanol-fueled and multi-fueled vehicles when operating on gasoline must not exceed the diurnal plus hot soak standards shown in Table S09–1 for the full three diurnal test sequence and for the supplemental two diurnal test sequence. The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles, except as otherwise specified in paragraph (t) of this section. Table S09–1 follows:


40 CFR § 86.1811-09

Scoping language

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