Miscellaneous surface coating operation

Miscellaneous surface coating operation means the collection of equipment used to apply surface coating to miscellaneous parts and/or products made of metal or plastic, including applying cleaning solvents to prepare the surface before coating application, mixing coatings before application, applying coating to a surface, drying or curing the coating after application, and cleaning coating application equipment, but not plating. A single surface coating operation may include any combination of these types of equipment, but always includes at least the point at which a coating material is applied to a given part. A surface coating operation includes all other steps (such as surface preparation with solvent and equipment cleaning) in the affected source where HAP are emitted from the coating of a part. The use of solvent to clean parts (for example, to remove grease during a mechanical repair) does not constitute a miscellaneous surface coating operation if no coatings are applied. A single affected source may have multiple surface coating operations. Surface coatings applied to wood, leather, rubber, ceramics, stone, masonry, or substrates other than metal and plastic are not considered miscellaneous surface coating operations for the purposes of this subpart.


40 CFR § 63.11180

Scoping language

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in 40 CFR 63.2, and in this section as follows:

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