Compulsory transfers of property.

Compulsory transfers of property. Property is presumed to be transferred for use in the active conduct of a trade or business outside of the United States, if -
(1) The property was previously in use in the country in which the foreign corporation is organized; and
(2) The transfer is either:
(1) The property was previously in use in the country in which the foreign corporation is organized; and
(2) The transfer is either:
(i) Legally required by the foreign government as a necessary condition of doing business; or
(ii) Compelled by a genuine threat of immediate expropriation by the foreign government.
(i) [Reserved]
(j) Failure to comply with reporting requirements of section 6038B -
(1) Failure to comply. For purposes of the exception to the application of section 367(a)(1) provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a failure to comply with the reporting requirements of section 6038B and the regulations thereunder (failure to comply) has the meaning set forth in § 1.6038B-1(f)(2).
(2) Relief for certain failures to comply that are not willful -
(i) In general. A failure to comply described in paragraph (j)(1) of this section will be deemed not to have occurred for purposes of satisfying the requirements of this section if the taxpayer demonstrates that the failure was not willful using the procedure set forth in this paragraph (j)(2). For this purpose, willful is to be interpreted consistent with the meaning of that term in the context of other civil penalties, which would include a failure due to gross negligence, reckless disregard, or willful neglect. Whether a failure to comply was a willful failure will be determined by the Director of Field Operations, Cross Border Activities Practice Area, Large Business & International (or any successor to the roles and responsibilities of such position, as appropriate) (Director) based on all the facts and circumstances. The taxpayer must submit a request for relief and an explanation as provided in paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(A) of this section. Although a taxpayer whose failure to comply is determined not to be willful will not be subject to gain recognition under this section, the taxpayer will be subject to a penalty under section 6038B if the taxpayer fails to demonstrate that the failure was due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect. See § 1.6038B-1(b)(1) and (f). The determination of whether the failure to comply was willful under this section has no effect on any request for relief made under § 1.6038B-1(f).
(ii) Procedures for establishing that a failure to comply was not willful -
(A) Time and manner of submission. A taxpayer's statement that the failure to comply was not willful will be considered only if, promptly after the taxpayer becomes aware of the failure, an amended return is filed for the taxable year to which the failure relates that includes the information that should have been included with the original return for such taxable year or that otherwise complies with the rules of this section, and that includes a written statement explaining the reasons for the failure to comply. The amended return must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service at the location where the taxpayer filed its original return. The taxpayer may submit a request for relief from the penalty under section 6038B as part of the same submission. See § 1.6038B-1(f).
(B) Notice requirement. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, the taxpayer must comply with the notice requirements of this paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(B). If any taxable year of the taxpayer is under examination when the amended return is filed, a copy of the amended return and any information required to be included with such return must be delivered to the Internal Revenue Service personnel conducting the examination. If no taxable year of the taxpayer is under examination when the amended return is filed, a copy of the amended return and any information required to be included with such return must be delivered to the Director.
(3) For illustrations of the application of the willfulness standard of this paragraph (j), see the examples in § 1.367(a)-8(p)(3).
(4) Paragraph (j) applies to requests for relief submitted on or after November 19, 2014.
(k) Effective/applicability dates -
(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (j)(4) and (k)(2) of this section, the rules of this section apply to transfers occurring on or after September 14, 2015, and to transfers occurring before September 14, 2015, resulting from entity classification elections made under § 301.7701-3 that are filed on or after September 14, 2015. For transfers occurring before this section is applicable, see §§ 1.367(a)-2, -2T, -4, -4T, -5, and -5T as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2016.
(2) Foreign currency exception. Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, § 1.367(a)-5T(d)(2) as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2016, applies to transfers of property denominated in a foreign currency occurring before December 16, 2016, other than transfers occurring before that date resulting from entity classification elections made under § 301.7701-3 that are filed on or after that date.


26 CFR § 1.367(a)-2

Scoping language

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