Process change
Process change means any of the following physical or operational changes:
(1) A physical change (maintenance activities excluded) to the CISWI which may increase the emission rate of any air pollutant to which a standard applies;
(2) An operational change to the CISWI where a new type of non-hazardous secondary material is being combusted;
(3) A physical change (maintenance activities excluded) to the air pollution control devices used to comply with the emission limits for the CISWI (e.g., replacing an electrostatic precipitator with a fabric filter); and
(4) An operational change to the air pollution control devices used to comply with the emission limits for the affected CISWI (e.g., change in the sorbent injection rate used for activated carbon injection).
40 CFR § 60.2875
Scoping language
Terms used but not defined in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act and subparts A and B of this part.