Identified losses

Identified losses means:
(1) When measured as of the date of examination of an FDIC-supervised institution, those items that have been determined by an evaluation made by a state or Federal examiner as of that date to be chargeable against income, capital and/or general valuation allowances such as the allowances for loan and lease losses (examples of identified losses would be assets classified loss, off-balance sheet items classified loss, any provision expenses that are necessary for the FDIC-supervised institution to record in order to replenish its general valuation allowances to an adequate level, liabilities not shown on the FDIC-supervised institution's books, estimated losses in contingent liabilities, and differences in accounts which represent shortages) or the adjusted allowances for credit losses; and
(2) When measured as of any other date, those items:
(i) That have been determined—
(A) By an evaluation made by a state or Federal examiner at the most recent examination of an FDIC-supervised institution to be chargeable against income, capital and/or general valuation allowances; or
(B) By evaluations made by the FDIC-supervised institution since its most recent examination to be chargeable against income, capital and/or general valuation allowances; and
(ii) For which the appropriate accounting entries to recognize the loss have not yet been made on the FDIC-supervised institution's books nor has the item been collected or otherwise settled.


12 CFR § 324.2

Scoping language

As used in this part:

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