
Grievance means an expression of dissatisfaction about any matter other than an adverse benefit determination. Grievances may include, but are not limited to, the quality of care or services provided, and aspects of interpersonal relationships such as rudeness of a provider or employee, or failure to respect the enrollee's rights regardless of whether remedial action is requested. Grievance includes an enrollee's right to dispute an extension of time proposed by the MCO, PIHP or PAHP to make an authorization decision.


42 CFR § 438.400

Scoping language

Statutory basis. This subpart is based on the following statutory sections:
(1) Section 1902(a)(3) of the Act requires that a State plan provide an opportunity for a fair hearing to any person whose claim for assistance is denied or not acted upon promptly.
(2) Section 1902(a)(4) of the Act requires that the State plan provide for methods of administration that the Secretary finds necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan.
(3) Section 1932(b)(4) of the Act requires Medicaid managed care organizations to establish internal grievance procedures under which Medicaid enrollees, or providers acting on their behalf, may challenge the denial of coverage of, or payment for, medical assistance.
(4) Section 1859(f)(8)(B) of the Act requires that the Secretary, to the extent feasible, establish procedures unifying grievances and appeals procedures under sections 1852(f), 1852(g), 1902(a)(3), 1902(a)(5), and 1932(b)(4) of the Act for items and services provided, by specialized Medicare Advantage plans for special needs individuals described in section 1859(b)(6)(B)(ii), under Titles XVIII and XIX of the Act.

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