Certification. All reports required by this paragraph must be in a form specified by the Secretary.
(1) Courses not leading to a standard college degree.
(i) Except as provided in this paragraph VA requires that a certification of attendance be submitted monthly for each veteran or eligible person enrolled in a course not leading to a standard college degree. The fact that the course may be pursued on a quarter, semester or term basis will not relieve the veteran or eligible person and the school of this requirement. Unless exempted by this paragraph this requirement also applies to courses measured on a credit-hour basis. This requirement does not apply to—
(A) Courses measured on a credit-hour basis pursuant to footnote 6 of § 21.4270(a),
(B) A course pursued on a less than one-half-time basis,
(C) A course pursued by a serviceperson while on active duty, or
(D) A correspondence course which must meet the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) Courses leading to a standard college degree. Schools which have veterans or eligible persons enrolled in courses which lead to a standard college degree are not required to submit periodic certifications for students enrolled in such courses. Certifications are, however, required under paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (h) of this section.
(3) Apprentice or other on-the-job training. A certification of attendance must be submitted monthly during the period of enrollment in the same manner as certifications required in paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
(g) Flight training courses. Where the course consists exclusively of flight training, the school will report by an endorsement on the veteran's certification the type and number of hours of actual flight training received by, and the cost thereof to, the veteran. Such reports may be submitted monthly.
(h) Unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance. At times the unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance of a veteran or eligible person is caused by or results in his or her interruption or termination of training. If this occurs, the interruption or termination shall be reported in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. If the veteran or eligible person continues in training despite unsatisfactory progress, conduct, or despite having failed to meet the regularly prescribed standards of attendance at the school, the school must report the fact of his or her unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance to VA within the time limit allowed by paragraph (h) (1) and (2) of this section.
(1) A veteran's or eligible person's progress may become unsatisfactory according to the regularly prescribed standards and practices of the school as a result of the grades he or she receives The school shall report such unsatisfactory progress to VA in time for VA to receive it before the earlier of the following dates is reached:
(1) Courses not leading to a standard college degree.
(i) Except as provided in this paragraph VA requires that a certification of attendance be submitted monthly for each veteran or eligible person enrolled in a course not leading to a standard college degree. The fact that the course may be pursued on a quarter, semester or term basis will not relieve the veteran or eligible person and the school of this requirement. Unless exempted by this paragraph this requirement also applies to courses measured on a credit-hour basis. This requirement does not apply to—
(A) Courses measured on a credit-hour basis pursuant to footnote 6 of § 21.4270(a),
(B) A course pursued on a less than one-half-time basis,
(C) A course pursued by a serviceperson while on active duty, or
(D) A correspondence course which must meet the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) Courses leading to a standard college degree. Schools which have veterans or eligible persons enrolled in courses which lead to a standard college degree are not required to submit periodic certifications for students enrolled in such courses. Certifications are, however, required under paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (h) of this section.
(3) Apprentice or other on-the-job training. A certification of attendance must be submitted monthly during the period of enrollment in the same manner as certifications required in paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
(g) Flight training courses. Where the course consists exclusively of flight training, the school will report by an endorsement on the veteran's certification the type and number of hours of actual flight training received by, and the cost thereof to, the veteran. Such reports may be submitted monthly.
(h) Unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance. At times the unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance of a veteran or eligible person is caused by or results in his or her interruption or termination of training. If this occurs, the interruption or termination shall be reported in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. If the veteran or eligible person continues in training despite unsatisfactory progress, conduct, or despite having failed to meet the regularly prescribed standards of attendance at the school, the school must report the fact of his or her unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance to VA within the time limit allowed by paragraph (h) (1) and (2) of this section.
(1) A veteran's or eligible person's progress may become unsatisfactory according to the regularly prescribed standards and practices of the school as a result of the grades he or she receives The school shall report such unsatisfactory progress to VA in time for VA to receive it before the earlier of the following dates is reached:
(i) Thirty days from the date on which the school official, who is responsible for determining whether a student is making progress, first received the final grade report which establishes that the veteran either is not progressing satisfactorily, or
(ii) Sixty days from the last day of the enrollment period during which the veteran or eligible person earned the grades that caused him or her not to meet the satisfactory progress standards.
(2) If the unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance of the veteran or eligible person is caused by any factors other than the grades which he or she receives, the school shall report the unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance to VA in time for VA to receive it within 30 days of the date on which the progress, conduct or attendance of the veteran or eligible person becomes unsatisfactory. See also § 21.4277.