Sanctuary resource

Sanctuary resource means any living or non-living resource of a National Marine Sanctuary that contributes to the conservation, recreational, ecological, historical, research, educational, or aesthetic value of the Sanctuary, including, but not limited to, the substratum of the area of the Sanctuary, other submerged features and the surrounding seabed, carbonate rock, corals and other bottom formations, coralline algae and other marine plants and algae, marine invertebrates, brine-seep biota, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, seabirds, sea turtles and other marine reptiles, marine mammals and historical resources. For Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve, Sanctuary resource means an underwater cultural resource as defined at 922.191. For Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary, Sanctuary resource is defined at 922.201. For Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary, sanctuary resource is defined at 922.211.


15 CFR § 922.3

Scoping language

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