Rockfish Program

Rockfish Program -
(1) General. The owners and operators of catcher vessels, catcher/processors, and shoreside processors authorized as participants in the Rockfish Program must comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this section and must assign all catch to a rockfish cooperative or rockfish sideboard fishery, as applicable at the time of catch or receipt of groundfish. All owners of catcher vessels, catcher/processors, and shoreside processors authorized as participants in the Rockfish Program must ensure that their designated representatives or employees comply with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
(2) Logbook -
(i) DFL. Operators of catcher vessels equal to or greater than 60 ft (18.3 m) LOA participating in a Rockfish Program fishery and using trawl gear must maintain a daily fishing logbook for trawl gear as described in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section.
(ii) ELB. Operators of catcher/processors permitted in the Rockfish Program must use a combination of NMFS-approved catcher/processor trawl gear ELB and eLandings to record and report groundfish and PSC information as described in paragraph (f) of this section to record Rockfish Program landings and production.
(3) eLandings. Managers of shoreside processors that receive rockfish primary species or rockfish secondary species in the Rockfish Program must use eLandings or NMFS-approved software as described in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, instead of a logbook and WPR, to record Rockfish Program landings and production.
(4) Production reports. Operators of catcher/processors that are authorized as processors in the Rockfish Program must submit a production report as described in paragraphs (e)(9) and (10) of this section.
(5) Product transfer report (PTR), processors. Operators of catcher/processors and managers of shoreside processors that are authorized as processors in the Rockfish Program must submit a PTR as described in paragraph (g) of this section.
(6) [Reserved]
(7) Vessel monitoring system (VMS) requirements (see § 679.28(f)).
(8) Rockfish cooperative vessel check-in and check-out report -
(i) Applicability -
(A) Vessel check-in. The designated representative of a rockfish cooperative must designate any vessel that is authorized to fish under the rockfish cooperative's CQ permit before that vessel may fish under that CQ permit through a check-in procedure. The designated representative for a rockfish cooperative must submit to NMFS, in accordance with (8)(ii), a check-in designation for a vessel:
(1) At least 24 hours prior to the time the catcher vessel begins a fishing trip to fish under a CQ permit; or
(2) At least 1 hour prior to the time the catcher/processor begins a fishing trip to fish under a CQ permit; and
(3) A check-in designation is effective at the beginning of the first fishing trip after the designation has been submitted.
(B) Vessel check-out. The designated representative of a rockfish cooperative must designate any vessel that is no longer fishing under a CQ permit for that rockfish cooperative through a check-out procedure. A check-out report must be submitted to NMFS, in accordance with (8)(ii), within 6 hours after the effective date and time the rockfish cooperative ends the vessel's authority to fish under the CQ permit.
(1) If the vessel is fishing under a CQ permit for a catcher vessel cooperative, a check-out designation is effective at the end of a complete offload;
(2) If the vessel is fishing under a CQ permit for a catcher/processor cooperative, a check-out designation is effective upon submission to NMFS.
(ii) Submittal. The designated representative of the rockfish cooperative must submit a vessel check-in or check-out report electronically. The rockfish cooperative's designated representative must log into the online system and create a vessel check-in or vessel check-out request as indicated on the computer screen. By using the NMFS ID password and submitting the transfer request, the designated representative certifies that all information is true, correct, and complete.
(iii) Information required. The vessel check-in or check-out report must contain the following information:
(A) CQ permit number;
(B) ADF&G vessel registration number(s) of vessel(s) designated to fish under the CQ permit;
(C) USCG designation number(s) of vessel(s) designated to fish under the CQ permit; and
(D) Date and time when check-in or check-out begins.
(9) Rockfish CQ cost recovery fee submission (See § 679.85).
(10) Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report -
(i) Applicability. A rockfish processor (as defined at § 679.2) that receives and purchases landings of rockfish CQ groundfish must submit annually to NMFS a complete Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report, as described in this paragraph (r)(10), for each reporting period for which the rockfish processor receives rockfish CQ groundfish.
(ii) Reporting period. The reporting period of the Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report shall extend from May 1 through November 15 of each year.
(iii) Due date. A complete Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report must be received by the Regional Administrator not later than December 1 of the year in which the rockfish processor received the rockfish CQ groundfish.
(iv) Information required.
(A) The rockfish processor must log in using the rockfish processor's password and NMFS person ID to submit a Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report. The NMFS software autofills the rockfish processor's name. The User must review the autofilled cells to ensure that they are accurate. A completed application must contain the information specified on the Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report with all applicable fields accurately filled-in.
(B) Certification. By using the rockfish processor NMFS ID and password and submitting the report, the rockfish processor certifies that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
(v) Submittal. The rockfish processor must complete and submit online by electronic submission to NMFS the Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report available at
(s) Amendment 80 Program -
(1) General. The owners and operators of Amendment 80 vessels must comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this section. All owners of Amendment 80 vessels must ensure that their designated representatives or employees comply with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
(2) Logbook-DCPL. Operators of Amendment 80 vessels must use a daily cumulative production logbook for trawl gear as described in paragraph (a) of this section to record Amendment 80 Program landings and production.
(3) Check-in/check-out report, processors. Operators or managers of an Amendment 80 vessel must submit check-in/check-out reports as described in paragraph (h) of this section.
(4) Production report. Operators of Amendment 80 vessels that use a DCPL must submit a production report as described in paragraph (e)(10) of this section.
(5) Product transfer report (PTR), processors. Operators of Amendment 80 vessels must submit a PTR as described in paragraph (g) of this section.
(6) Annual Amendment 80 cooperative report -
(i) Applicability. An Amendment 80 cooperative issued a CQ permit must submit annually to the Regional Administrator an Amendment 80 cooperative report detailing the use of the cooperative's CQ.
(ii) Time limits and submittal.
(A) The annual Amendment 80 cooperative report must be submitted to the Regional Administrator by an electronic data file in a NMFS-approved format; by fax: 907-586-7557; or by mail sent to the Regional Administrator, NMFS Alaska Region, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668; and
(B) The annual Amendment 80 cooperative report for fishing activities under a CQ permit issued for the prior calendar year must be received by the Regional Administrator not later than 1700 hours A.l.t. on March 1 of each year.
(iii) Information required. The annual Amendment 80 cooperative report must include at a minimum:
(A) The cooperative's actual retained and discarded catch of CQ and GOA sideboard limited fisheries (if applicable) by statistical area and on a vessel-by-vessel basis;
(B) A description of the method used by the cooperative to monitor fisheries in which cooperative vessels participated; and
(C) A description of any actions taken by the cooperative against specific members in response to a member that exceeded the amount of CQ that the member was assigned to catch for the Amendment 80 cooperative.
(D) For each Amendment 80 cooperative, the percent of groundfish retained by that Amendment 80 cooperative of the aggregate groundfish retained by all Amendment 80 vessels assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative using the following equations:
(1) General. The owners and operators of catcher vessels, catcher/processors, and shoreside processors authorized as participants in the Rockfish Program must comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this section and must assign all catch to a rockfish cooperative or rockfish sideboard fishery, as applicable at the time of catch or receipt of groundfish. All owners of catcher vessels, catcher/processors, and shoreside processors authorized as participants in the Rockfish Program must ensure that their designated representatives or employees comply with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
(2) Logbook -
(i) DFL. Operators of catcher vessels equal to or greater than 60 ft (18.3 m) LOA participating in a Rockfish Program fishery and using trawl gear must maintain a daily fishing logbook for trawl gear as described in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section.
(ii) ELB. Operators of catcher/processors permitted in the Rockfish Program must use a combination of NMFS-approved catcher/processor trawl gear ELB and eLandings to record and report groundfish and PSC information as described in paragraph (f) of this section to record Rockfish Program landings and production.
(3) eLandings. Managers of shoreside processors that receive rockfish primary species or rockfish secondary species in the Rockfish Program must use eLandings or NMFS-approved software as described in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, instead of a logbook and WPR, to record Rockfish Program landings and production.
(4) Production reports. Operators of catcher/processors that are authorized as processors in the Rockfish Program must submit a production report as described in paragraphs (e)(9) and (10) of this section.
(5) Product transfer report (PTR), processors. Operators of catcher/processors and managers of shoreside processors that are authorized as processors in the Rockfish Program must submit a PTR as described in paragraph (g) of this section.
(6) [Reserved]
(7) Vessel monitoring system (VMS) requirements (see § 679.28(f)).
(8) Rockfish cooperative vessel check-in and check-out report -
(i) Applicability -
(A) Vessel check-in. The designated representative of a rockfish cooperative must designate any vessel that is authorized to fish under the rockfish cooperative's CQ permit before that vessel may fish under that CQ permit through a check-in procedure. The designated representative for a rockfish cooperative must submit to NMFS, in accordance with (8)(ii), a check-in designation for a vessel:
(1) At least 24 hours prior to the time the catcher vessel begins a fishing trip to fish under a CQ permit; or
(2) At least 1 hour prior to the time the catcher/processor begins a fishing trip to fish under a CQ permit; and
(3) A check-in designation is effective at the beginning of the first fishing trip after the designation has been submitted.
(B) Vessel check-out. The designated representative of a rockfish cooperative must designate any vessel that is no longer fishing under a CQ permit for that rockfish cooperative through a check-out procedure. A check-out report must be submitted to NMFS, in accordance with (8)(ii), within 6 hours after the effective date and time the rockfish cooperative ends the vessel's authority to fish under the CQ permit.
(1) If the vessel is fishing under a CQ permit for a catcher vessel cooperative, a check-out designation is effective at the end of a complete offload;
(2) If the vessel is fishing under a CQ permit for a catcher/processor cooperative, a check-out designation is effective upon submission to NMFS.
(ii) Submittal. The designated representative of the rockfish cooperative must submit a vessel check-in or check-out report electronically. The rockfish cooperative's designated representative must log into the online system and create a vessel check-in or vessel check-out request as indicated on the computer screen. By using the NMFS ID password and submitting the transfer request, the designated representative certifies that all information is true, correct, and complete.
(iii) Information required. The vessel check-in or check-out report must contain the following information:
(A) CQ permit number;
(B) ADF&G vessel registration number(s) of vessel(s) designated to fish under the CQ permit;
(C) USCG designation number(s) of vessel(s) designated to fish under the CQ permit; and
(D) Date and time when check-in or check-out begins.
(9) Rockfish CQ cost recovery fee submission (See § 679.85).
(10) Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report -
(i) Applicability. A rockfish processor (as defined at § 679.2) that receives and purchases landings of rockfish CQ groundfish must submit annually to NMFS a complete Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report, as described in this paragraph (r)(10), for each reporting period for which the rockfish processor receives rockfish CQ groundfish.
(ii) Reporting period. The reporting period of the Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report shall extend from May 1 through November 15 of each year.
(iii) Due date. A complete Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report must be received by the Regional Administrator not later than December 1 of the year in which the rockfish processor received the rockfish CQ groundfish.
(iv) Information required.
(A) The rockfish processor must log in using the rockfish processor's password and NMFS person ID to submit a Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report. The NMFS software autofills the rockfish processor's name. The User must review the autofilled cells to ensure that they are accurate. A completed application must contain the information specified on the Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report with all applicable fields accurately filled-in.
(B) Certification. By using the rockfish processor NMFS ID and password and submitting the report, the rockfish processor certifies that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
(v) Submittal. The rockfish processor must complete and submit online by electronic submission to NMFS the Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report available at
(s) Amendment 80 Program -
(1) General. The owners and operators of Amendment 80 vessels must comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this section. All owners of Amendment 80 vessels must ensure that their designated representatives or employees comply with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
(2) Logbook-DCPL. Operators of Amendment 80 vessels must use a daily cumulative production logbook for trawl gear as described in paragraph (a) of this section to record Amendment 80 Program landings and production.
(3) Check-in/check-out report, processors. Operators or managers of an Amendment 80 vessel must submit check-in/check-out reports as described in paragraph (h) of this section.
(4) Production report. Operators of Amendment 80 vessels that use a DCPL must submit a production report as described in paragraph (e)(10) of this section.
(5) Product transfer report (PTR), processors. Operators of Amendment 80 vessels must submit a PTR as described in paragraph (g) of this section.
(6) Annual Amendment 80 cooperative report -
(i) Applicability. An Amendment 80 cooperative issued a CQ permit must submit annually to the Regional Administrator an Amendment 80 cooperative report detailing the use of the cooperative's CQ.
(ii) Time limits and submittal.
(A) The annual Amendment 80 cooperative report must be submitted to the Regional Administrator by an electronic data file in a NMFS-approved format; by fax: 907-586-7557; or by mail sent to the Regional Administrator, NMFS Alaska Region, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668; and
(B) The annual Amendment 80 cooperative report for fishing activities under a CQ permit issued for the prior calendar year must be received by the Regional Administrator not later than 1700 hours A.l.t. on March 1 of each year.
(iii) Information required. The annual Amendment 80 cooperative report must include at a minimum:
(A) The cooperative's actual retained and discarded catch of CQ and GOA sideboard limited fisheries (if applicable) by statistical area and on a vessel-by-vessel basis;
(B) A description of the method used by the cooperative to monitor fisheries in which cooperative vessels participated; and
(C) A description of any actions taken by the cooperative against specific members in response to a member that exceeded the amount of CQ that the member was assigned to catch for the Amendment 80 cooperative.
(D) For each Amendment 80 cooperative, the percent of groundfish retained by that Amendment 80 cooperative of the aggregate groundfish retained by all Amendment 80 vessels assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative using the following equations:


50 CFR § 679.5

Scoping language

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