Calculate the total volume of coating solids used.

Calculate the total volume of coating solids used. Determine the total volume of coating solids used, liters, which is the combined volume of coating solids for all the coatings used during each month, using Equation 2 of this section:
(g) Calculate the organic HAP emission rate. Calculate the organic HAP emission rate for the compliance period, kg (lb) organic HAP emitted per liter (gal) coating solids used, using Equation 3 of this section:
(h) Compliance demonstration. The organic HAP emission rate for the initial compliance period calculated using Equation 3 of this section must be less than or equal to the applicable emission limit for each subcategory in § 63.3890 or the predominant activity or facility-specific emission limit allowed in § 63.3890(c). You must keep all records as required by §§ 63.3930 and 63.3931. As part of the notification of compliance status required by § 63.3910, you must identify the coating operation(s) for which you used the emission rate without add-on controls option and submit a statement that the coating operation(s) was (were) in compliance with the emission limitations during the initial compliance period because the organic HAP emission rate was less than or equal to the applicable emission limit in § 63.3890, determined according to the procedures in this section.


40 CFR § 63.3951

Scoping language

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