Product means a discrete package of health insurance coverage benefits that are offered using a particular product network type (such as health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization, exclusive provider organization, point of service, or indemnity) within a service area. In the case of a product that has been modified, transferred, or replaced, the resulting new product will be considered to be the same as the modified, transferred, or replaced product if the changes to the modified, transferred, or replaced product meet the standards of 146.152, 147.106(e), or 148.122(g) of this subchapter (relating to uniform modification of coverage), as applicable.
45 CFR § 144.103
Scoping language
For purposes of parts 146 (group market), 147 (group and individual market), 148 (individual market), 149 (surprise billing and transparency), and 150 of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless otherwise provided: