Dual eligible special needs plan

Dual eligible special needs plan or D-SNP means a specialized MA plan for special needs individuals who are entitled to medical assistance under a State plan under title XIX of the Act that -
(1) Coordinates the delivery of Medicare and Medicaid services for individuals who are eligible for such services;
(2) May provide coverage of Medicaid services, including long-term services and supports and behavioral health services for individuals eligible for such services;
(3) Has a contract with the State Medicaid agency consistent with § 422.107 that meets the minimum requirements in paragraph (c) of such section; and
(4) Beginning January 1, 2021, satisfies one or more of the following criteria for the integration of Medicare and Medicaid benefits:
(i) Meets the additional requirement specified in § 422.107(d) in its contract with the State Medicaid agency.
(ii) Is a highly integrated dual eligible special needs plan.
(iii) Is a fully integrated dual eligible special needs plan.


42 CFR § 422.2

Scoping language

As used in this part -

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