Dairy operation
Dairy operation means any person or group of persons who as a single unit as determined by CCC, produce and market milk commercially produced from cows, and whose production facilities are located in the United States. In administering this program, for purposes of determining what is a dairy operation and its eligibility under this program, those determinations will be made in the same manner as was done for the Dairy Market Loss Assistance (DMLA) contracts in the State in which the dairy is located. New MILC operations, which is to say those operations that did not participate in the MILC program for marketings prior to FY 2008, must be unaffiliated with any other DMLA or MILC operations.
7 CFR § 1430.202
Scoping language
The definitions in this section shall be applicable for all purposes of administering the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program established by this subpart.