Community Renewal Costs.

Community Renewal Costs. Community Renewal Costs consist of the sum of the following HUD-approved costs related to the development of a public housing project: planning (including proposal preparation); administration; site acquisition; relocation; demolition ofand site remediation of environmental hazards associated withpublic housing units that will be replaced on the project site; interest and carrying charges; off-site facilities; community buildings and nondwelling facilities; contingency allowance; insurance premiums; any initial operating deficit; on-site streets; on site utilities; and other costs necessary to develop the project that are not covered under the Housing Construction Cost (HCC). Public housing capital assistance may be used to pay for Community Renewal Costs in an amount equivalent to the difference between the HCC paid for with public housing capital assistance and the TDC limit.


24 CFR § 905.108

Scoping language

The following definitions apply to this part:

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