Ocean transportation intermediary
Ocean transportation intermediary (OTI) means an ocean freight forwarder or a non-vessel-operating common carrier. For the purposes of this part, the term:
(1) Ocean freight forwarder (OFF) means a person that—
(i) In the United States, dispatches shipments from the United States via a common carrier and books or otherwise arranges space for those shipments on behalf of shippers; and
(ii) Processes the documentation or performs related activities incident to those shipments; and
(2) Non-vessel-operating common carrier (NVOCC) means a common carrier that does not operate the vessels by which the ocean transportation is provided, and is a shipper in its relationship with an ocean common carrier.
(n) Person means individuals, corporations, companies, including limited liability companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies and joint stock companies existing under or authorized by the laws of the United States or of a foreign country.
(o) Principal refers to the shipper, consignee, seller, or purchaser of property, and to anyone acting on behalf of such shipper, consignee, seller, or purchaser of property, who employs the services of a licensed freight forwarder to facilitate the ocean transportation of such property.
(p) Qualifying individual (QI) means an individual who meets the experience and character requirements of section 19 of the Shipping Act (46 U.S.C. 40901–40904) and this part.
(q) Reduced forwarding fees means charges to a principal for forwarding services that are below the licensed ocean freight forwarder's usual charges for such services.
(r) Registered non-vessel-operating common carrier (registered NVOCC) means an NVOCC whose primary place of business is located outside the United States and who elects not to become licensed as an NVOCC, but to register with the Commission as provided in § 515.19, post a bond or other surety in the required amount, and publish a tariff as required by 46 CFR part 520.
(s) Shipment means all of the cargo carried under the terms of a single bill of lading.
(t) Shipper means:
(1) A cargo owner;
(2) The person for whose account the ocean transportation is provided;
(3) The person to whom delivery is to be made;
(4) A shippers' association; or
(5) A non-vessel-operating common carrier that accepts responsibility for payment of all charges applicable under the tariff or service contract.
46 CFR § 515.2
Scoping language
The terms used in this part are defined as follows: