Federal interest period

Federal interest period means the period of time during which the Federal government retains a reversionary interest in all facilities constructed with Federal grant funds. This period begins with the purchase of the facilities and continues for ten years after the official completion date of the project. Although OMB Circular A-110, sections 33 and 34 (58 FR 62992, Nov. 29, 1993) and 15 CFR 24.31 and 24.32, specify that the Federal government maintains a reversionary interest in the facilities for as long as the facilities are needed for the originally authorized purpose, PTFP's authorizing statute (47 U.S.C. 392(g)) limits the reversionary period for ten years for purposes of this program. However, Federal Constitutional limitations on the use of the facilities survive for the useful life of the facilities whether or not this period extends beyond the ten-year Federal interest period.


15 CFR § 2301.2

Scoping language

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