Borrower means a private nonprofit corporation or a nonprofit consumer cooperative that may be established by the Sponsor, which will obtain a Section 202 loan and execute a mortgage in connection therewith as the legal owner of the project. Borrower does not mean a public body or the instrumentality of any public body. The purposes of the Borrower must include the promotion of the welfare of elderly and/or handicapped families. No part of the net earnings of the Borrower may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder, contributor, or individual, and the Borrower may not be controlled by or under the direction of persons or firms seeking to derive profit or gain therefrom. Because of the nonprofit nature of the Section 202 program, no officer or director, or trustee, member, stockholder or authorized representative of the Borrower is permitted to have any financial interest in any contract in connection with the rendition of services, the provision of goods or supplies, project management, procurement of furnishings and equipment, construction of the project, procurement of the site or other matters whatsoever.