Physical dimensions.

S4.2.2.2 Physical dimensions. The actual section width and overall width for each tire measured in accordance with S5.1, shall not exceed the section width specified in a submission made by an individual manufacturer, pursuant to S4.4.1 or in one of the publications described in S4.4.1(b) for its size designation and type by more than:
(a) (For tires with a maximum permissible inflation pressure of 32, 36, or 40 psi) 7 percent, or
(b) (For tires with a maximum permissible inflation pressure of 240, 280, 300, 340 or 350 kPa, or 60 psi) 7 percent or 10 mm (0.4 inches), whichever is larger.


49 CFR § 571.109

Scoping language

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